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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs :
We will study Twenty  more of Swamy Desika Sahasra Naamams( 631- 640 ) today :
631) karmaNyathA bhAvahEthu pApa tacchAnthi hEthu-dhrusE nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who knew about the sins arising
from unfitness to perform KarmAs and the reasons for parihArams against  them .
The fitness to perform Bhagavath AarAdhanam arises from the cleanliness of
the adhikAri .The assembled material should not have any dhOshams . The person
performing the AarAdhanam should also be considered as an upakaraNam
( items assembled for AarAdhanam) . Therefore , he should be clean and have
the fitness & qualifications  (Yogyathai) to perform AarAdhanam . A Thief and
one who lusts after women is not allowed to touch the Lord . There are
32 trespasses that are to be avoided so that one has fitness to do AarAdhanam :
1) union with a woman before AarAdhanam (2) asoucham and becoming
unclean (3) seeing a dead body (4) touching a corpse (5) going to cemetry 
ground (6) performing ultimate rites (7) coming in to contact with a dog 
(8) eating anything and every thing (9)not cleaning one's  teeth (10) wearing 
black or red clothing (11) shaking the clothes (12) being angry (13) using 
one hand for salutations (14) insulting BhagavathAs (15) worshipping in
darkness (16) apAna vaayu release during aarAdhanam (17) speaking 
without any need  and other things like these , which are MahA
aparAdhams that will disqualify one from performing AarAdhanam.
If these trespasses happen , then one should perfrom prAyascchittham 
to requalify one to perform AarAdhanam. One has to seek pardon from
the Lord . ApachArams should not be repeated .   
632) ijyAdhikAra  bhEdajn~Aya nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who knew the different
categories of Ijyai for different adhikAris .
SrI Saathvatham states that AshtAnga Yogis alone are qualified
to meditate on the indweller residing inside one's heart lotus .
The fitness for AarAdhanam for Chathur vyUha archai with mantrams
is limited to Brahmins . Only KshathriAs can do chathur vyUha archai
without mantram but with Tantram . 
633) ijyA sArArTa vEdhithrE nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who knew the essential
meanings of Ijyai .
Ijyai has to be understood as AarAdhanam with 8 angams  according to
JayAkhya Samhithai of PaancharAthram .
634) svAdhyAya kaala  svAdhyAya bhEdhAdhikruthibhEdha dhrusE nama:
(Meaning) : Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who knew the timings for
SvAdhyAyam and the different activities during SvAdhyAyam and the fitness
of those who can observe those divisions of SvAdhyAyam .
The Fourth division of time is SvAdhyAya time ( after 18 Naaxzhikai , after 1.12 PM).
One kind of SvAdhyAyam is understanding the meanings of Vedaas with
IthihAsams and PurANams. The other kind of adhikAri is the one , who recites
one or more of the VyApaka mantrams ( AshtAksharam , DhvadasAksharam ,
ShaDaksharam) . Based on one's ruchi , SvAdhyAya visEshams have to
be followed .
635) svAdhyAya saara samdhrushtrE nama:
(Meaning) :Salutations to Swamy  Desikan , who knew about the essential
meanings of SvAdhyAyam .
The essence is to engage in activities ( IthihAsa-PurANa Patanam ,
Manthra Japam , intrepretation of Sri Sookthis) that will cut out
inappropriate speech and give control over Indhriyams (Vaak ,  manas ,
Body) .
636) svAdhyAyAnga visEsha vidhE nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who was knowledgable
about the specialties of the different branches (angams) of SvAdhyAyam .
After IjyA and BhOjanam , one should perform Aachamanam and return to
Bhagavath Sannidhi , perform ashtAnga PraNAmam and conduct Veda
adhyayanam or other SvAdhyAyam activities. 
637) sAyam sandhyA hOma dEvapoojA bhOjana kaala vidhE nama:
( Meaning) : Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who was knowledgable
about the time for performing evening SandhyA Vandhanam , Homam ,
dEva Poojai and the time for evening meal .
When the Sun becomes reddish , it is the time for evening SandhyA .
This should be followed by evening homam (agnihOthram) , bhagavath
abhigamanam based on one's sakthi and Havir-nivEdhanam . 
 638) bhujilOpa-nimittha prANAgnihOthra manUjapAya nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who  accepted the recitation of
PrANAgnihOthra manthram , when one misses one's evening meal .
639)  pradhOshavarjitha nisAyOgyAdheethi visEsha vidhE nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who knew about the Veda
BhAgams that have to be avoided during the second half of SvAdhyAyam
(Evening portion) during the PradhOsham day .
AaraNyakams are intended for recitation before Sunset . They should not
be recited during the evening . On pradhOsham day , any Veda Manthram
that could be recited in evening should be avoided and they should be
shifted to the time slot of SvAdhyAyam before Sunset .  
640) thrayOdasee poorvarAthri kArya mouna  visEshavidhE nama:
(meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who knew the importance of
observing silence ( Mounam ) during MahA PradhOsham ( ThrayOdasi
evening) .
From evening three Naazikai up to ardha Raathri , mounam should be
maintained on PradhOsha Kaalam . No Japam should be done except
Gaayathri Japam and Homam .
641) pradhOsha kaala karthavya sandhyA sankOcha vEdithrE nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who intructed us to perform
a shorter version of SandhyA Vandhanam during PradhOsha Kaalam .
Gaaythri Japam should not be done over 10 counts .
642) pradhOshavasya varjya ashtAksharamanthra japOkthimathE nama: 
(Meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who instructed us not
to perform AshtAkshara Japam during PradhOsha Kaalam .
643) sandhyA-thyAjya ashtAksharAnya Gaayathryanya japakriyAya nama:
(Meaning ): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who instructed us that
AshtAkashara and Gaayathri manthrams can be used for Japams
during sandhyA kaalam ( AshtAkshara Manthra japam is taboo during
PradhOsha Kaalam ) . 
644) asoucha kAlasanthyAjya Gayathryanya japakriyAya nama:
(meaning): Salutations to the AchAryan , who instructed us that during
asoucham (theettu ) , no mantra japam should be done except Gaayathri.
645) adhyAnArha vishuvAdhyanuj~nAtha japAntharAya nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who declared that even
on days unfit for veda adhyayanam ( two Vishuvams , two ayanams ,
Chathurdasi , AmAvAsyai , PourNami , PraTamai , ashtamee) , Mantra
Japam can be performed .
646) mouna kriyA samAyAtha sacchithrathva  nirAsakAya nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who assessed that maintaining
of Mouna vratham during PradhOsha Kaalam is not inconsistent with
Bhagavath Kaimkaryam that has to be observed by ParamaikAnthis
without interruption.
Swamy Desikan ruled that the observance of Mouna vratham itself is
a Bhagavath Kaimkaryam and such observances will not be seen as
interruptions in Bahgavath Kaimakryam for ParamaikAnthis.
647) pradhOsha NarasimhAnya Haridarsana BhAdhakAya Nama:
(Meaning): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who instructed us that
no form of Hari Moortham should be seen during PradhOsha Kaalam
except that of BhagavAn Narasimhan .
Iswara samhithai points out : " na PradhOshE Harim pasyEth
NarakEsariNam VinA " . Swamy Desikan based his ruling on
that SamhithA vaakyam .
648) pradhOsha kaalAnujn~Atha svagruhArchaa avalOkanAya nama:
(Meaning ): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who permitted the prostrations
and sEvai of the archA Moorthy of the house during PradhOsha Kaalam .
One should not go to temples to have the sevai of Hari at the temple except
Lord NarasimhA .
649) madhyarAthra nisshiddha svagruhArchA poojanaadhikAya nama:
(Meaning ): Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who ruled against
the aarAdhanam for one's gruha ArchA at midnight ( 15 th and 16th
On any time other than midnight , Home AchA Moorthy can be worshipped .
This is the general rule with one exception , which is covered in the next NaamA.
650) madhyarAthra uparAgAdhikAla avarjyArchanaadhikAya nama:   
(Meaning ):   Salutations to Swamy Desikan , who ruled that Bhagavath
archanam can not be abandoned if GrahaNam takes place during midnight .
One has to perform SnAnam , Japam and perform worship ofthe Lord .
Performing AarAdhanams during grahaNa kaalam is according to VisEsha
Vidhi . On other days , midnight AarAdhanam is prohibited .  
Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
P.S : Please participate in the MahA Mantapa Kaimkaryam
at Lord HayagrIvan's sannidhi at Thiruvaheendhrapuram :   


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