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PaarTiva Samvathsaram , Kanyaa  Maasam ,
KrishNa Paksha Thritheeyai , Revathy Nakshathram
Dear BhakthAs of BhagavAn Sri Lakshmi Narasimhan :
HH Srimath Azhagiya Singar is one of the greatest AchAryAs 
having a unique Saili (style ) of writing and blessing us
with KaaakshEpams on ProuDa ( difficult) granthams .
His clarity of  thought , felicity of diction and ability to
anticipate questions on the minds of his listeners & readers
are legendary . adiyEn will include some excerpts from his
writing from the latest issue of Sri Nrusimha Priya that is
related to the slOkam of today .
HH Srimath Azhagiya Singar's 79th birthday celebrations
are being planned for Dec 10 at Bangalore with Chathur Veda
PaarAyaNam in the Vaidhika Kramam . You are all invited
to take part in this joyous festival .  
The Fourth SlOkam of SrI Sthuthi
In the Fourth SlOkam , Swamy Desikan describes how SrI DEvi
reveals Her Lord as Para DEvathai to us .
yath-sankalpAth bhavathi KamalE yathra dEhinyameeshAm
    janma-sTEma-praLaya rachanA jangamAjangamAnAm
tath kalyANam kimapy yaminAm yEka lakshyam samAdhou
    poorNam tEja: sphurathy bhavathee  paadhalAkshA rasAngam
(Meaning): Oh KamalE !  MahA Devi! Your Lord  has many Vaibhavams :
(1) He has the sentients and the insentients as His Sareeram and stays
inside them as their antharAthmaa ( indweller=antharyAmi Brahmam) .
(2) His sankalpa sakthi is behind His acts of creation  , protection
and dissolution of the Universe , which are just leelAs for Him .
(3) He stays as the Most auspicious One and confers auspiciousness on
all the auspicious vasthus . They become auspicous because of His MangaLa
Svaroopam .
(4) The Yogis control their senses through His anugraham ( practise of AshtAnga
yOgam ) and  are blessed to visualize His dhivya MangaLa vigraham  inside their
heart lotuses .
(5) He stays as ParipoorNa Nambi everywhere and every thing through
His unique Svaroopam ( inherent  nature) and matchles kalyANa guNams .
Oh Mother MahA Lakshmi ! You stay on the chest of this  tEjOmaya Moorthy without
ever leaving that place of residence of Yours . Not for a fraction of a second do you
stay away from that cherished home of Yours . You confer on Him the name of
SrinivAsan through Your residence . He welcomes the contact of the red dye
adorning Your sacred feet as His defining mark . That red dye enhances
His natural beauty further.  As a defining sign ( lakshaNam) , that red dye
associated with Your Thiruvadi becomes the reason for all of His unique
vaibhavam .The Upanishads take their cue from that lakshaNam and eulogize
Him as the Supreme Being . You are thus the root cause behind all the glories
of Your Lord . Oh SrI Devi ! That is Your glory !
Additional observations on the Individual sections of this slOkam
Swamy Desikan lists First the unique guNams of the Lord , His leelais ,
His Sankalpam , His pervasive presence everywhere (anthar and Bahir-
VyApthi) , His conferral of auspiciousness to vasthus and Janthus and
His tEjas (Lustre) . He goes on then to reveal the power behind these all .
(1) Kimapi tEja: For describing the asAdharaNa tEjas of the Lord ,
Azhagiya Singar quotes from VishNu PurANa slOkam ( 1.9.67):
" apoorva-roopa-sanTAnam tEjasAm raasim Urjitham "
Sage ParAsara is describing here the asAdharana ( extraordinary) soundharyam
(beauty) of the Lord . That kind of roopam ( ThirumEni) and its structure
is not to be found anywhere else . That roopam is a tEjO raasi ( niravadhika
tEjOmaya ThirumEni ) . Before that limitlessradiance , every other lustre shrinks
in to insignificance just as  the lustre of a firefly before that of the Sooryan . 
Our Lord's soundharyam is niravadhika ( limitless ) soundharyam ( beauty
and proportion of His limbs) ; His niravadhika sougandhyam ( fragrance) ,
soukumAryam/Youvanam ( tenderness &  youthfulness) and LaavaNyam 
have been praised by AzhwArs and their conclusion is that He is an insatiable
nectar ( AarA amutham ). All of these aspects of youthful beauty  of the Lord 
has been referred to by Azhagiya Singar as : " Youvana unmukheebhUtha 
sukumAra tanu : ". Our Lord's ThirumEni soundharyam is insatiable , whether
enjoyed for one day or one year or one yugam . This insatiable anubhavam of
the Nithya Sooris is saluted by the Vedams as : " SadhA pasyanthi Sooraya: ".
The Nithya Sooris can not even close their eye lids for a second since they do
not want to lose that aanandha anubhavam even for that second .
Our Lord's Sankalpa Balam : With the matchless power of His Sankalpam
(will and volition) , our Lord has the sentients and insentients as His body
and stays inside them as their antharyAmi Brahman ( indwelling Lord as controller ,
commander and  witness) . BrahadhAraNya Upanishad elaborates on His
antharyAmi Tatthvam . The Jeevans and the insentients are VisEshaNAmsa
and the indwelling Lord is the VisEshyAmsa . They are different from each
other and are real. BhagavAn through His sankalpa sakthi rules all other real
entities . He creates , protects and dissolves these various kinds of chEtanams
and achEtanams . Swamy Desikan salutes this sankalpa Balam as : " Yathra
Dehini ameeshAm jangama ajangamAnAm janma- sTEma-praLaya rachanA
Yath sankalpAth Bhavathi " ( The first two lines of this fourth slOkam ) .
Let us look now at the the other half of the slOkam (3rd and 4th lines) .
SamAdhi of the Yogis and BhagavAn's manifestation
" tath kalyANam yaminAm yEka lakshyam " That auspicious and
beautiful ThirumEni of BhagavAn , the target of the Yogi's saadhana ,
becomes visible in their meditation inside their heart lotus.
" Yath PoorNam "
That Sankalpam of BhagavAn results in His presence everywhere and
in every vasthu that he creates  . The OmkArAthmaka Vasthu (BhagavAn)
pervades in this changable world in the spirit of what IsAvAsyOpanishad reveals :
" IsA vAsyam idham sarvam yathkinccha jagathyAm jagath " , " PoorNasya
PoorNamAdhAya PoorNamEva avaSishyathE ". That world is full ( PoorNamadha:);
This world is full ( PoorNamidham ). That is summed up by Swamy Desikan
succinctly as "Yath PoorNam ".
Sri Devi's place of residence in this tEjO raasi known for its Sankalpa Balam
She resides on the chest of this ParamAthmA engaged in many vyApArams
through His Sankalpa Balam .Her feet are decorated with a radiant red lacquer dye.
That rubs on the chest of the Lord , when She moves and leaves a mark of
Her presence . All the glories of the Lord arise from Her presence on His chest
and Her presence in turn  is revealed by the mark of the red dye from Her Thiruvadi .
The VedAnthAs recognize Him from that lakshaNam and eulogize Him as
the Supreme Being  based on that revelation .She is the auspiciousness
behind our Lord's auspiciousness . She is SrI and He is SrInivAsan .
That is how He is recognized and revered says the 4th SlOkam .    
Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan 
Your support for the 79th Birthday celebrations  for our Revered AchAryan
adiyEn seeks your valuable support . $250 per family would be most
welcome . Support of more than $250 is very much appreciated . Any amount
will  ofcourse be recieved with anjali . Some have given $101 , some $1,000
sofar. We can never ever pay back for the MahOpakAram of Srimath Azhagiya
Singar and other AchAryAs for their matchless dayaa to bless us with
Jn~Anam to join the Sath SampradhAyam and Prapatthi anugraham .  
At this time , adiyEn is interestd in your pledges and Your samarpaNams
can be sent before the third week in November .


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