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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00045 Feb 2002

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Dear Sri Pattangi:

I was a little hesitant to show my ignorance on
this topic in front of the great scholars in this
group, but in the end I thought I would say it
and wait to be corrected than keep quiet.

This question comes up often - why would Lord 
Sriman Narayana chose someone in BhULogam as 
His acharya?

To my limited knowledge this is how I see the

There are two parts to this query. One is how do
we know for sure that this did happen and the
second is, why did He do it.

To answer the first part: I know this for sure
because all those who I look upon as my acharyas
tell me that this is so. Why would I doubt their
words? That is not my relationship with them; and
neither is it the relationship of those who 
typically raise this question, with their acharyas. 
I trust my acharyas in everyway and this is no 

I trust them because they obtained all their
information from their acharyas, and so on, and
this goes all the way back to Sriman Narayana
Himself. So, to question my acharyas would be
to question the Lord Himself. And no matter
which sampradhayam one belongs to, this acharya
link back to Him is the same.

To answer the scond part: why He would do it? I
am surprised that Srivaishnavas think that they
can understand His motives. Consider who we are
talking about. Imagine the Universe with its
immensity and variety. He created it all and
swallowed it all. We cannot even dream of 
fathoming His acts.

The very same reason provided by others for 
questioning this event is the reason to not 
question it. Just because we don't understand 
why He would do it does not mean He did not do 
it or that it is a meaningless act.

If one does indeed need a reason for the act,
it is simply His svAtantarya guNam. He is not
answerable to anyone. If He chose to accept
Sri Mamunigal as His acharyan then that is His
wish. There are numerous acts of His written in 
the puranas, itihasas and the great epics that 
I do not understand, but that does not mean I 
claim that they did not happen.

I wait to be corrected on my ramblings.

adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan
TCA Venkatesan

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