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namO namO yAmunAya yAmunAya namO namah
namO namO yAmunAya yAmunAya namO namah

slOkam 19:

uparyuparyabja bhuvOpi pooruShAn
prakalpya tEyE shatamityanukramAt |
giristvadEkaika guNAvadhipsayA 
sadAsthitAnOdya matOtishEratE ||

upari upari - over and over
abja bhuva: - born from the lotus navel of VishNu
pooruShAn - brahmAs
prakalpya - teaching us about those brahmAs
"tEyE shatam" - this is a upanishad vAkya
(taittiriya upanishad); please see
the explanation below.
iti- as
anukramAt - by the virtue of (his) study
tvth Eka EkaguNa avadhi IpsayA - 
with the desire to see the extent/boundary
of each of Your auspicious attributes
gira:- the vEdAs
sadA sthitA: api - although always desiring to attempt
(the above - desire to see the extent..)
udyamata: - beyond the starting point
na athishErathE - have not gone


The vEdAs, which determine the extent of each of the
guNAs of the Lord, when attempting to estimate the 
extent of the attribute "Ananda" , being unable to do 
so, continue to indefinitely go on describing 
the "Ananda" starting from creation to destruction, as

in "tEyEshatamprajApatErAnanda: sa EkO bramhaNa 
Ananda:", the Ananda of Parabramha is hundred fold 
that of "chaturmukha Ananda". Even those vEdAs that 
attempt to cover the entire aspect of the limit of
attributes have not even gone beyond the starting

Additional notes:

In the taittirIya upanishad, there is a passage that
talks about the happiness ("Ananda"). It is as

"saishAnandasya mImAmsA bhavathi" - Of that
brahmAnanda, is the enquiry made here

"yuvA syAth sAdhu yuvAdhyAyaka: AshistO drtishtO
balishta:" - One who has youth, one who teaches 
those who has youth similar to himself, one with 
shakti, one with capability/bravery and with 
strength - let him be

"thasyEyAm prithivI sarvA viththasya pUrNA syAth" -
Let the earth that is full of all kinds of wealth be
under his control

"sa EkO mAnushA AnandhA:"- That is the extent of 
happiness of a man

"stOtriyasa cha ka mahatasya" - This happiness is 
there for the brahma nishta and the one who has no 
interest in samsara

"thE yE satham mAnushA AnandhA: sa Eko manushya 
gandharvANAm Anandha:" - 100 times the happiness 
of a man is the happiness of a manushya gandharva..

and it goes on to classify the happiness in
multiples of hundred - dEva, dEva gandharva,
prajApathi, brahma etc.. and finally it says

"yathO vAchO nivartantE | aprApya manasaa
saha| Anandham brahmaNO vidvAn| na bibEthi
kuthaschanEti" -

>From which brahma, the words coming from the
mind cannot measure/describe and come back,
one who knows the happiness of such a brahma
will fear nothing.

svAmi ALavandAr says - such a vEda, that attempts
to describe/measure Your attributes by teaching
several multiples of happinesses (and creating
a category of people for each multiple of 100),
has not even left the starting point in its
attempt to measure/describe Your attributes!

thirumangai AzhvAr's words are very appropriate
here. He says "nAnmaRaigaL thEdi enRum kANa
mAttA theivam" - the vEdAs do search, but
forever cannot find the Lord! - i.e. the
vEdAs, however great they may be, can never
describe the Lord's qualities/greatness.

ALavandAr tiruvadigaLe saranam

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