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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00033 Mar 2003

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In my posting, I forgot to mention the location of the daSa-avatAra shrine of 
the Gupta kings. The opening paragraph should read ~

"The most ancient and most beautiful of the daSa-avatAra (ten incarnations) 
sannidhi-s is the one built at Deogarh included in to-day's district Lalitpur 
(off Jhansi), Uttar Pradesh, by the kings of the Gupta dynasty (circa 6th 
cent.AD) who styled themselves 'parama-bhAgavata'. This manner of royalty 
dedicating itself to vaishNava worship had later-day echoes in Travancore 
royalty (starting with Maharaja svAti-t-tiru-nAL) bearing the name 
'ananta-padmanAbha-dAsa', and the (Rajasthan) Kota rulers styling themselves 

I am grateful to my elder brother Sri Tirumanjanam Kannan for pointing out the 
omission. Both my brothers, Sri Kannan and Sri Satakopan, had visited the 
Deogarh temple, and also the colossal SrivarAha in the caves of VidishA, north 
of Bhopal. 

I may add that they had also visited the Hariraj temple in district Chamba, 
Himachal Pradesh, and worshipped the surpassingly beautiful Lord there. The 
Lord is an integrated manifestation of four aspects in as many visages, 
Vaikuntha (Narayana), Varaha, Narasimha and Kapila. This iconography, known as 
vaikuNTha-chatur-mUrti, is in accordance with the (pAncha-rAtra) 
jayAkhya-samhitA (6:73), and was developed in the time of the Guptas. 

aDiyEn rAmAnuja-dAsan,
T.S. Sundara Rajan,
at Srirangam.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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