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Persio, Mike, Gay

Gay: UNCG professor emeritus, dancer and choreographer. I have always been lucky to be in a profession where there were many talented gay people, and no one that we worked with thought anything about it. Also, I’ve always known I was God's beloved child, and that my sexual orientation didn't interfere with that in any way, as a matter of fact it may be something he/she gives to some of us to provide us further ways to grow, or to, being who we are, influence the rest of society that there is absolutely nothing wrong with our being gay. I am proud to be gay, rich in experiences with gay friends and partners, each of whom has taught me so very much. And I know that all of us collectively make a huge contribution to the life: art, education, health, business of this country, and that people ought to know that those who are making this huge contribution are also gay.

Mike: Non-profit director, radio voice, son. Director of Development for Triad Health Project, Guilford County's leading HIV/AIDS social service agency. Moved to Greensboro in 1997 to work in local radio, serving 4 years as News/Public Affairs Director for WKSI-FM 98.7 "The Point." Enjoys making a difference in the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS. Loves dogs, good theatre/films, the beach, the mountains, University of Kentucky basketball and obliging "addiction" to the gym.  "This is my first and highest profile public statement of who I am as a gay man.  There was really no particular impetus behind my decision. I liked the idea of contributing to this very cutting edge campaign effort, and since I'm quite out and honest with everyone in my personal and professional life, I feel such a broader public statement of my existence as a gay neighbor or local citizen is a logical transition. We still have a lot of minds to enlighten in this region of the country, and I've simply offered to do what I can to help affect that change in some small way."

  Triad Equality Alliance ● P.O. Box 19842 Greensboro, NC 27419 ●  info@triadequality.org

Tea is part of EqualityNC Project,
a 501(c)(3) group.

website © 2004
by Triad Equality Alliance