Matrix multiplication SGEMM: 2D register blocking

"WebGL2-compute" NxN matrix multiplication C = A x B (SGEMM) v.6 demo.
See Kernel 6: 2D register blocking by Cedric Nugteren.
All A, B elements are random (0 - 1). Error "er1" is calculated as the sum of |CCPU - CGPU |/(N*N) for all matrix elements. er2 = max(|CCPU - CGPU |). Tile size TS = 128 and work-per-thread = 8. See also Shader 6 benchmark.

Compute Shader 6

See also the page source
#version 310 es
#define TSM 128                     // The tile-size in dimension M
#define TSN 128                     // The tile-size in dimension N
#define TSK 16                      // The tile-size in dimension K
#define WPTM 8                      // The amount of work-per-thread in dimension M
#define WPTN 8                      // The amount of work-per-thread in dimension N
#define LPTA ((TSK*WPTM*WPTN)/(TSN)) // The amount of loads-per-thread for A
#define LPTB ((TSK*WPTM*WPTN)/(TSM)) // The amount of loads-per-thread for B
#define RTSM 16    // The reduced tile-size in dimension M (TSM/WPTM number of threads)
#define RTSN 16    // The reduced tile-size in dimension N (TSN/WPTN number of threads)
#define MOD2(x,y) ((x) % (y))
#define DIV2(x,y) ((x) / (y))

layout (local_size_x = RTSM, local_size_y = RTSN, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout (std430, binding = 0) readonly buffer ssbA {
  float A[];
layout (std430, binding = 1) readonly buffer ssbB {
  float B[];
layout (std430, binding = 2) writeonly buffer ssbC {
  float C[];
  uniform ivec3 MNK;
  shared float Asub[TSK][TSM];    // Local memory to fit a tile of A and B
  shared float Bsub[TSN][TSK+2];
void main() {
    int M = MNK.x, N = MNK.y, K = MNK.z;

    // Thread identifiers
    int tidm = int(gl_LocalInvocationID.x);  // Local row ID (max: TSM/WPTM == RTSM)
    int tidn = int(gl_LocalInvocationID.y);  // Local col ID (max: TSN/WPTN == RTSN)
    int offsetM = TSM*int(gl_WorkGroupID.x); // Work-group offset
    int offsetN = TSN*int(gl_WorkGroupID.y); // Work-group offset

    // Allocate register space
    float Areg;
    float Breg[WPTN];
    float acc[WPTM][WPTN];

    // Initialise the accumulation registers
    for (int wm=0; wm < WPTM; wm++) {
        for (int wn=0; wn < WPTN; wn++) {
            acc[wm][wn] = 0.0;
    // Loop over all tiles
    int numTiles = K/TSK;
    int t=0;
    do {
        // Load one tile of A and B into local memory
        for (int la=0; la < LPTA; la++) {
            int tid = tidn*RTSM + tidm;
            int id = la*RTSN*RTSM + tid;
            int row = MOD2(id,TSM);
            int col = DIV2(id,TSM);
            int tiledIndex = TSK*t + col;
            Asub[col][row] = A[tiledIndex*M + offsetM + row];
            Bsub[row][col] = B[tiledIndex*N + offsetN + row];
        // Synchronise to make sure the tile is loaded

        // Loop over the values of a single tile
        for (int k=0; k < TSK; k++) {

            // Cache the values of Bsub in registers
            for (int wn=0; wn < WPTN; wn++) {
                int col = tidn + wn*RTSN;
                Breg[wn] = Bsub[col][k];

            // Perform the computation
            for (int wm=0; wm < WPTM; wm++) {
                int row = tidm + wm*RTSM;
                Areg = Asub[k][row];
                for (int wn=0; wn < WPTN; wn++) {
                    acc[wm][wn] += Areg * Breg[wn];
        // Synchronise before loading the next tile

        // Next tile
    } while (t < numTiles);

    // Store the final result in C
    for (int wm=0; wm < WPTM; wm++) {
        int globalRow = offsetM + tidm + wm*RTSM;
        for (int wn=0; wn < WPTN; wn++) {
            int globalCol = offsetN + tidn + wn*RTSN;
            C[globalCol*M + globalRow] = acc[wm][wn];
Simple transpose kernel for a PxQ matrix see at Shader v.5
SGEMM in WebGL2-compute     updated 6 Apr 2019