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Photo # NH 100868:  USS Comber and USS Crest in port, circa 1917-1919

Online Library of Selected Images:

USS Comber (SP-344), 1917-1919

USS Comber, a patrol vessel, was built in 1916 at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, as the 303 gross ton fishing trawler of the same name. Chartered by the Navy for World War I service, she was placed in commission in April 1917. For the rest of the conflict, and for some months after the fighting ended, she performed patrol, minesweeping and transportation missions in New England waters, as well as escorting submarine chasers to Bermuda. Comber was returned to her owners, the Bay State Fishing Company of Boston, Massachusetts, in early April 1919.

This page features all the views we have concerning USS Comber (SP-344).

If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

Photo #: NH 100868

USS Comber

In port, circa 1917-1919 with USS Crest (SP-339) tied up to her starboard side.
Trawler Comber (built in 1916) was acquired by the Navy on 17 April 1917 and placed in commission two days later. She was returned to her owner, the Bay State Fishing Company of Boston, Massachusetts, on 2 April 1919.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 54KB; 740 x 455 pixels

Photo #: NH 94468

Craft acquired by the Navy for World War I service

In port on 16 May 1917, while being prepared for duty.
Second boat from the left is Gypsy (SP-55), acquired on 11 May and burned on 20 June 1917 while still fitting out.
Next to her, to the right, is Doris B. IV (SP-625), which was delivered to the Navy on 17 April 1917 and transferred to the U.S. Public Health Service on 21 November 1919.
Second from the right is Venture (SP-616), acquired on 28 April and returned to her owner on 6 February 1919.
At right is the trawler Comber (SP-344), acquired on 17 April 1917 and returned to her owner on 2 April 1919.
Both Doris B. IV and Venture were already in commission when this photograph was taken.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 60KB; 740 x 485 pixels

Photo #: NH 42450

Naval Air Station, Cape May, New Jersey

View taken in 1919, showing a water tank, hangar and the boat dock. USS Comber (SP-344) is alongside the latter, partially hidden by sheds.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 85KB; 740 x 590 pixels


Note: The official data card for Comber (SP-344) features a copy of the same image as Photo # NH 99228, which it claims represents Comber. However, the vessel seen in the photo is actually USS Crest (SP-339).

If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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Page made 17 March 2005