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Spring quarter courses

First week of the quarter: Introduction course for students just exiting the first year of the program, Job Prep courses for the rest.

INST200 (Introduction to Instrumentation): [PDF]
or INST205 (Job Prep I): [PDF]
or INST206 (Job Prep II): [PDF]

Rest of the quarter:

INST260 (Data Acquisition Systems), Section 1: [PDF] INST260 (Data Acquisition Systems), Section 2: [PDF] INST260 (Data Acquisition Systems), Section 3: [PDF]

INST262 (Digital Control Systems), Section 1: [PDF] INST262 (Digital Control Systems), Section 2: [PDF] INST262 (Digital Control Systems), Section 3: [PDF] INST262 (Digital Control Systems), Section 4: [PDF]

INST263 (Control Strategies), Section 1: [PDF] INST263 (Control Strategies), Section 2: [PDF] INST263 (Control Strategies), Section 3: [PDF] INST263 (Control Strategies), Section 4: [PDF]

Course grading spreadsheet: [Excel format]