Lighthouses of the United States: Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is the easternmost island of the Greater Antilles, the larger islands of the West Indies. Roughly rectangular in shape, Puerto Rico is about 110 mi (180 km) long and 40 mi (65 km) wide and has a population of about 3.3 million. Its capital San Juan is the third-oldest city of the Americas, founded in 1521.

Discovered by Columbus on his second voyage in 1493, the island was a Spanish colony until it was captured by U.S. forces during the Spanish-American War of 1898. Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship in 1917. Since 1952 Puerto Rico has had the status of a self-governing state called the Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico (Associated Free State of Puerto Rico) in Spanish or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in English. On 3 November 2020 Puerto Ricans voted narrowly to apply for admission as a member state of the United States.

Puerto Rico's 16 surviving light stations include 11 historic lighthouses built by Spanish authorities before the U.S. annexation. Some of these Spanish lighthouses are revered national monuments but several others are abandoned and endangered. Fortunately, interest in lighthouse preservation has increased greatly in recent years and major restoration projects have been carried out at Arecibo, Cabo Rojo, and Punta de las Figuras. But much remains to be done and six Puerto Rican lighthouses remain on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List.

Spanish and English are official languages in Puerto Rico, although Spanish is spoken universally. In Spanish the word for a lighthouse is faro, baliza is a beacon, isla is an island, cabo is a cape, punta is a promontory or point of land, péñon is a rock, arrecife is a reef, bahía is a bay, ría is an estuary or inlet, estrecho is a strait, río is a river, and puerto is a port or harbor.

Aids to navigation in Puerto Rico are maintained by the Aids to Navigation Team of the U.S. Coast Guard Sector San Juan.

ARLHS numbers are from the ARLHS World List of Lights. Admiralty numbers are from volume J of the Admiralty List of Lights & Fog Signals. USCG numbers are from Volume III of the U.S. Coast Guard Light List. U.S. NGA List numbers are from Publication 110.


Puerto San Juan Light, San Juan, March 2016
Wikimedia Creative Commons photo
by Andrew Shiva
General Sources
Faros de Puerto Rico
Excellent photos and information on the history and status of the lighthouses by José A. Mari-Mutt. This valuable reference, published in 2013, is no longer online but copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive.
Puerto Rico Lighthouses
Photos and historical accounts posted by Kraig Anderson.
Puerto Rico Lighthouses
A set of photos taken in 2010 by Larry Myhre.
Online List of Lights - Puerto Rico
Photos by various photographers posted by Alexander Trabas. Photos for Puerto Rico are by Andreas Köhler, Rainer Arndt, and Capt. Peter Mosselberger ("Capt. Peter").
Lighthouses in Puerto Rico
Photos by various photographers available from Wikimedia.
World of Lighthouses - Puerto Rico
Photos by various photographers available from
Doomsday Lights of Puerto Rico
Lighthouse Digest article of February 2002 by Bob and Sandra Shanklin.
Puerto Rico Lighthouses
Aerial photos posted by
Leuchttürme Mittelamerikas und der Karibik auf historischen Postkarten
Historic postcard views posted by Klaus Huelse.
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center: Light Lists
The USCG Light List can be downloaded in pdf format.
NOAA Nautical Charts
Official nautical charts for the coast can be viewed online.
Navionics Charts
Navigation chart for Puerto Rico
Faro de Rincón
Punta Higuero Light, Rincón, September 2007
Wikimedia Creative Commons photo
by José Oquendo
Mona Island Lighthouses
The Isla de Mona is located in the Mona Passage between the Puerto Rican mainland and the Dominican Republic, about 41 mi (66 km) west of Puerto Rico. The island is roughly elliptical, about 7 mi by 4 mi (11 km by 7 km). Uninhabited except when visited by biological and ecological researchers, it is accessible by charter and tour boats (6 hour trip one way) from Mayagüez and Cabo Rojo. It is attached administratively to the municipality of Mayagüez.
Isla de Mona (2)
1976 (station established 1900). Active; focal plane 323 ft (98.5 m); white flash every 5 s. 40 ft (12 m) skeletal tower. No photo available but Google has an indistinct satellite view. Located on heights on the north side of the island, far from the original light station. Site status unknown. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales. Admiralty J5486; USCG 3-32295; NGA 14412.
Isla de Mona (1)
1900. Inactive since 1976. 52 ft (16 m) pyramidal skeletal cast iron tower with central cylinder, lantern and gallery. Originally painted black, the lighthouse is now covered with rust. The original 2nd order Fresnel lens, the largest lens ever used in Puerto Rico, is in storage for eventual display at a proposed reseach and visitor center on the island. David Villafañe's photo is at right, Angel O. Ramos Diaz has a closeup photo, Wryan Webb has a 2021 drone view, has aerial photos, Huelse has a historic postcard view, and Google has a satellite view. The Coast Guard has a 1945 photo of the light station in service, and Wikimedia has a 1977 photo from the Library of Congress. Critically endangered. The lighthouse has deteriorated severely since deactivation and is in danger of being lost, according to an October 2004 Lighthouse Digest article by Sandra Shanklin. The abandoned lighthouse has been added to the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. Mari-Mutt wrote that the tower is "beyond repair." In August 2018 the Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (DNR) called for restoration proposals but admitted that it had no funds to support the effort. There is a modern light on a short steel tower (focal plane 15 ft (4.5 m); white flash every 2.5 s). Located on a high bluff on the east side of the island, accessible by hiking trails from established campsites. Site open, tower closed. Owner/site manager: Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales. ARLHS PUR-011. Active light: Admiralty J5487; USCG 3-32295.5.

Isla de Mona Light, August 2018
DRNA photo
by David Villafañe

West Coast Lighthouses
Mayagüez Range Rear
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 89 ft (27 m); green light occulting every 4 s. Approx. 40 ft (12 m) skeletal mast attached to the northeast corner of an industrial building. The mast carries a rectangular daymark panel colored red with a white vertical stripe. Google has a street view and an indistinct satellite view. The front light is on a small square skeletal tower. Located in the harbor area on the west side of Mayagüez. Site and tower closed, but the light can be seen from highway 64. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: private. Admiralty J5582.1; USCG 3-32360; NGA 14600.
** Punta Higuero (Point Jiguero, Rincón) (2)
1922 (station established 1892). Active; focal plane 90 ft (27 m); white light occulting every 4 s. 69 ft (21 m) round cylindrical reinforced concrete tower with lantern and gallery; 250 mm lens. Tower painted white; the gallery and lantern roof are black. José Oquendo's photo appears at the top of this page, Trabas has a closeup photo by Köhler, Miguel Luis Carrasquillo also has a good photo, Juan Zayas has a 2021 photo, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard has a historic photo, and Google has a street view and a good satellite view. Huelse has a historic postcard view of the original lighthouse. It was heavily damaged by the earthquake and tsunami of 11 October 1918 and the ruins were demolished in 1932. The original lantern was installed on the new tower and remains in use today. The lighthouse is the centerpiece of El Faro Park, a popular surfing and whale watching site. The park includes a visitor center and gift shop. Located off highway 413 north of Rincón at the westernmost point of the island, marking the entrance from the Atlantic to the Mona Passage. Site open, tower closed. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: Municipio de Rincón. . ARLHS PUR-019; Admiralty J5488; USCG 3-32400; NGA 14416.
* [Punta Borinquen (Aguadilla) (1)]
1889. Inactive since 1918, when the lighthouse was nearly destroyed by a tsunami. The lighthouse was an octagonal cylindrical stone tower with lantern and gallery, rising from a 1-story stone keeper's house, similar to the Cabo San Juan lighthouse. Foundations and portions of the walls are standing. Josh Bozarth has a good photo, Angel Acevedo has a 2008 photo, Angel Reyes has a 2014 street view, and Google has a satellite view. This lighthouse was very similar to the surviving Maunabo lighthouse (see below). Jason Gonzalez has a 2021 photo that shows that the gradual collapse of the surviving wall is continuing. Located at the northwestern tip of the island, about 2 km (1.25 mi) from the present lighthouse. Site open. Owner/site manager: U.S. Coast Guard. . ARLHS PUR-022.
* Punta Borinquen (Aguadilla) (2)
1920. Active; focal plane 292 ft (89 m); two white flashes, separated by 4 s, every 15s. 60 ft (18 m) round cylindrical stone tower with gallery, unpainted; DCB-224 aerobeacon. The lantern was removed in 1947. The 1-story keeper's house is used as vacation housing for Coast Guard personnel. A 2022 photo is at right, Trabas has a closeup photo by Capt. Theo Hinrichs, Wikimedia has a photo, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard has a 1951 photo and a second photo showing the original lantern, and Google has a satellite view. The lighthouse is adjacent to a popular golf course built on the former Ramey Air Force Base, now the Rafael Hernández Airport. Borinquen is the original Indian name of Puerto Rico. Located north of Aguadilla near the northwesternmost point of the island; Site and tower closed. Owner/site manager: U.S. Coast Guard. ARLHS PUR-013; Admiralty J5490; USCG 3-30715; NGA 14420.

Punta Borinquen Light, Aguadilla, March 2022
Google Maps photo
by Vetta link

North Coast Lighthouses
**** Arecibo (Punta Morrillo)
1898. Active; focal plane 120 ft (36 m); white flash every 5 s. 46 ft (14 m) hexagonal cylindrical stone tower attached to 1-story stone office and keeper's house; 190 mm lens. Tower painted white. The original lantern, remove many years ago, has been replaced by a restored lantern with an unpainted copper roof. Carlos Irizarry's 2022 drone view is at right, Anderson has a fine page with several photos, Trabas has Köhler's closeup photo, Lawrence Baca has a 2021 photo, Myhre has a 2010 photo, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard has a historic photo, Huelse has a historic postcard view, and Google has a closeup street view and a good satellite view. This is the last lighthouse built by the Spanish in Puerto Rico; American forces placed it in service several months after conquering the island. The city replaced the lantern and restored the lighthouse in 2001-02 and has opened the building as a historical museum. On October 3, 2017, it was announced that the lighthouse was "closed indefinitely" due to Hurricane Maria damage. It has since been repaired and reopened. Located northeast of Arecibo, on the east side of the harbor entrance. Site open (park entry fee), lighthouse open daily, tower status unknown. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: Municipio de Arecibo (Arecibo Lighthouse and Historical Park ). ARLHS PUR-001; Admiralty J5492; USCG 3- 30720; NGA 14432.
* San Juan Graving Dock Range Rear
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 84 ft (25.5 m); green light occulting once every 4 s, visible only near the range line. Approx. 72 ft (22 m) square skeletal tower carrying a daymark painted red with a white vertical stripe. Trabas has Capt. Peter's photo and Google has a street view and a satellite view. The front light is on a 33 ft (10 m) square skeletal tower. Located in the city's Parque Central beside the bridge on highway 2 (Avenida John F. Kennedy) at the southeastern corner of San Juan harbor. Site and tower closed, but there's a great view from the bridge. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Admiralty J5505.1; USCG 3- 31065.
San Juan Puerto Nuevo Range Front
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 47 ft (14.5 m); quick-flashing red light, visible only near the range line. 47 ft (14 m) square skeletal tower on a platform supported by piles. . Trabas has Capt. Peter's photo and Google has a satellite view and a distant street view. Located in the harbor 616 yd (563 m) southwest of the rear light. Accessible only by boat but visible distantly from highway 2 (Avenida John F. Kennedy). Site open, tower closed. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Admiralty J5506; USCG 3- 30900.
* San Juan Puerto Nuevo Range Rear
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 79 ft (24 m); red light occulting once every 4 s, visible only near the range line. Approx. 69 ft (21 m) square skeletal tower carrying a daymark painted red with a white vertical stripe. Trabas has Capt. Peter's photo and Google has a street view and a satellite view. Located in the city's Parque Central beside the interchange of highways 1 and 2. Site open, tower closed. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Admiralty J5506.1; USCG 3- 30905.

Arecibo Light, Arecibo, January 2022
Google Maps photo by Carlos Irizarry

* Puerto San Juan (El Morro, Castillo San Felipe del Morro) (3)
1908 (station estalished 1846). Active; focal plane 181 ft (55 m); white flashes every 10ses s, every fourth flash omitted. 51 ft (15.5 m) square brick Moorish tower atop the battlements of El Morro (San Felipe del Morro), the castle-like fort guarding the entrance to San Juan harbor. Light tower painted gray, gallery and trim white, lantern black. A 3rd order Fresnel lens installed in 1899 remains in use. Andrew Shiva's photo is at the top of this page, Trabas has Capt. Peter's closeup, has fine aerial photos, and Google has a street view and a satellite view. This lighthouse, with its unique and beautiful design, represents Puerto Rico's oldest light station. The original 1846 lighthouse was demolished after being heavily damaged by U.S. bombardment in 1898 and the 1899 lighthouse developed such a huge crack that it had to be demolished after only a few years. The lighthouse was restored by the National Park Service in 1991. Located on the east side of the entrance to San Juan harbor. Site open (1/4 mile (400 m) walk from parking), tower closed. Owner: U.S. National Park Service. Site manager: San Juan National Historic Site. ARLHS PUR-005; Admiralty J5494; USCG 3-30735; NGA 14436.
** Cabo San Juan (Fajardo)
1882. Active; focal plane 260 ft (79 m); white flash every 15 s. 45 ft (14 m) cylindrical stone tower; DCB-24 aerobeacon. Tower painted light gray with white trim, lantern black. Larry Myhre's photo is at right, a closeup of the tower is available, Trabas has Arndt's photo, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard has a historic photo, Huelse has a historic postcard view, T. Spontelli has a closeup street view, and Google has a good satellite view. This beautiful and well-preserved Spanish lighthouse is the oldest surviving lighthouse in Puerto Rico. It was repaired after being heavily damaged by the San Ciprián hurricane in September 1932. The Puerto Rico Conservation Trust purchased the surrounding land in 1975 and restored the lighthouse in 1990. In 2006 the lighthouse became available for transfer under NHLPA and in 2010 it was transferred to the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust. Located in the Cabezas de San Juan Nature Reserve on the northeasternmost point of the island, northeast of Fajardo, commanding a spectacular view. Site and tower open to guided tours Friday through Sunday (reservations required). Owner/site manager: Puerto Rico Conservation Trust (Las Cabezas de San Juan Nature Reserve). . ARLHS PUR-021; Admiralty J5528; USCG 3-31155; NGA 14464.

Cabo San Juan Light, Fajardo, February 2010
Flickr Creative Commons photo by Larry Myhre

Culebra and Vieques Lighthouses
Culebra and Vieques are islands located off the east coast of Puerto Rico. Culebra is about 8 km (5 mi) in diameter and has a population of less than 2,000. Vieques is about 34 km (21 mi) long and has a population of about 10,000. Both islands are accessible by air and by ferries from Fajardo and San Juan.
Culebrita (1)
1886. Inactive. 43 ft (13 m) cylindrical stone tower rising from the center of a 1-story stone keeper's house. Critically endangered. The building was in ruins, severely damaged by vandals and by Hurricanes Hugo (1989) and Marilyn (1995). Deactivated in 1959, the lighthouse was reactivated in 1975. Although a July 2006 photo shows a small modern light in the shattered lantern, it is amazing that this lighthouse was in service that recently. The active light is now on a square skeletal tower in front of the lighthouse. A photo is at right, Josue Martell has a 2021 photo, has aerial photos, Huelse has a historic postcard view, and Google has a satellite view. A street view from atop the historic lighthouse shows the modern light. This is another lighthouse on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. The building is quite hazardous inside. In 2003 ownership of the light station was transferred from the Culebra National Wildlife Refuge to the Municipality of Culebra. A commonwealth grant of $700,000 was reported to be available for preliminary restoration, and architects had been hired to supervise the work. However, Mari-Mutt reports that the restoration project failed to take place. In January 2015 the environmental organization Para la Naturaleza signed an agreement with the municipality of Culebra to restore the lighthouse, beginning with stabilization of the surviving structure. Hurricane Maria probably brought this effort to a halt. Located on the highest point of Culebrita, off the eastern tip of Culebra and overlooking the Virgin Passage. Accessible only by boat (good anchorage available; day tours available from Culebra, which can be reached by air from San Juan or by ferry from Fajardo). However, it's a long, hot hike from the beach to the lighthouse. Site open; tower open. Owner/site manager: Municipio de Culebra . ARLHS PUR-004.
Culebrita (2)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 305 ft (93 m); white flash every 10 s. 43 ft (13 m) square cylindrical skeletal tower. A street view from atop the historic lighthouse shows this modern light and Bing has an indistinct satellite view. This light marks the west side of the Virgin Passage, the deep channel between Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Located on the southeast side of the historic lighthouse. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty J5608; USCG 3-31685; NGA 14480.

Culabrita Light, Culebra
Para la Naturaleza photo
[Punta del Soldado]
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 60 ft (18 m); white flash every 2.5 s. Approx. 20 ft (6 m) skeletal tower carrying a red and white checkered diamond-shaped daymark. Frances Candelas has a distant view and Bing has an indistinct satellite view. This light guides vessels into the Sonda de Vieques, the sound between Culebra and Vieques. Located atop a steep headland at the southern tip of Culebra. Site status unknown. Admiralty J5604; USCG 3-31675; NGA 14488.
** Punta Mulas (Morropó, Isabella Segunda)
1896. Active; focal plane 68 ft (21 m); red light occulting every 4 s. 32 ft (10 m) octagonal cylindrical brick tower rising from 1-story brick keeper's house; original 6th order Fresnel lens. Lighthouse painted cream with white trim, lantern black. Juan Alex's photo is at right, Rafael Defendini has a 2019 photo, Steven Fischer has a 2016 street view, the Coast Guard has a historic photo, Huelse has a historic postcard view, and Google has a satellite view. Restored in 1992, the building housed a small museum. However, Anderson reported that the building deteriorated due to water damage and was closed to the public in 2005. Tourist websites indicate that it has reopened. A 2018 Instagram photo shows the restored lighthouse. Located on the east side of the entrance to the harbor of Isabella Segunda (Vieques) on the north side of the island of Vieques. Site open, lighthouse reported open, tower status unknown. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: Municipio de Vieques . ARLHS PUR-015; Admiralty J5592; USCG 3-31530; NGA 14497.
* Puerto Ferro
1896. Inactive since 1926. Octagonal cylindrical stone tower rising from the center of 1-story stone keeper's house. Lantern removed. The light was moved in 1926 to a skeletal tower next to the lighthouse but it was deactivated around 2000. A 2017 closeup photo and a 2023 photo are available, the Coast Guard has a historic photo, Sotero A. Gomez has a 2015 street view, and Google has a satellite view. The lighthouse was abandoned after being damaged by an earthquake. Endangered by decay and lack of maintenance, the lighthouse has fallen into ruin and has been added to the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. Joe Adams has a 2021 photo showing that the building is beginning to collapse. The lighthouse is in the former U.S. military base area; the Navy withdrew from these bases, after years of public protests, in May 2003. Located on the central south coast of Vieques inside the former Camp Garcia Marine Base. Vieques Travel says it is now possible to drive to a parking area near the lighthouse; in the past a long hike was needed. Site open weekdays, tower closed. Owner/site manager: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Vieques National Wildlife Refuge). . ARLHS PUR-024; ex-USCG 3-31715.

Punta Mulas Light, Isabella Segunda, Vieques, March 2022
Google Maps photo
by Juan Alex

South Coast Lighthouses
Cabeza de Perro
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 80 ft (24 m); flash every 6 s, white or red depending on direction. Approx. 66 ft (20 m) skeletal tower carrying a red and white checkered diamond-shaped daymark. No photo available but Bing has a satellite view. Located on the eastern tip of a small island off the southeastern corner of Puerto Rico. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty J5532; USCG 3-31375; NGA 14509.
Puerto Yabucoa Range Front
Date unknown. Active (privately maintained); focal plane 75 ft (23 m); quick-flashing green light. Approx. 72 ft (22 m) square skeletal tower carrying a rectangular daymark colored red with a white vertical stripe. Reinaldo Castro has a view across the bay and Google has a satellite view. Puerto Yabucoa is the site of the Caribbean's only oil recycling facility. Located on the waterfront of the Bahía de Yabucoa. Site and tower closed. Owner/operator: Olein Refinery Corp. Admiralty J5542; USCG 3-31745.
Puerto Yabucoa Range Rear
Date unknown. Active (privately maintained); focal plane 140 ft (43 m); green light, 3 s on, 3 s off. Approx. 130 ft (40 m) square skeletal tower carrying a rectangular daymark colored red with a white vertical stripe. Google has a distant street view and Bing has a satellite view. Located 910 yd (832 m) northwest of the front light. Site and tower closed. Owner/operator: Olein Refinery Corp. Admiralty J5542.01; USCG 3-31750.
*** Punta Tuna (Maunabo)
1892. Active; focal plane 111 ft (34 m); two white flashes, separated by 10 s, every 30 s. 49 (15 m) ft octagonal cylindrical brick tower rising from a 1-story brick keeper's house; 190 mm lens. Lighthouse painted white, lantern black; the keeper's house is painted cream with white trim. The original 3rd order Barbier, Benard & Cie. Fresnel lens, somewhat damaged by vandals, remains in the tower but is not in use. Jorge Rodriguez's photo is at right, Trabas has Köhler's photo, Boricuamalo Malave has a 2022 photo, Otto Varela has a good 2015 photo, has aerial photos, Huelse has a historic postcard view, Rafael Santiago Toro has a street view, and Google has a satellite view. In 2009 the lighthouse became available for transfer under NHLPA and in October 2012 it was announced that it would be transferred to the City of Maunabo. Located southeast of Maunabo on a sharp promontory at the southeasternmost point of the island. Site open, lighthouse and tower open daily Wednesday through Sunday. Owner/site manager: Municipio de Maunabo. . ARLHS PUR-016; Admiralty J5545; USCG 3-31800; NGA 14512.
* Punta de las Figuras (Point Figuras, Arroyo)
1893. Inactive since 1938 (a decorative light is displayed); charted as a landmark. Approx. 50 ft (15 m) octagonal cylindrical brick tower attached to 1-story brick keeper's house. Lighthouse painted cream with white trim.A 2019 photo is at right, Larry Myhre has a photo, Mínelson Medina has a closeup photo, Bob Pittman has a 2018 photo, and has aerial photos. The original lantern and lens were destroyed by vandals in 1969. By early 2001, the lighthouse was in very poor shape, with no roof and only scraps of its lantern; this earned it a spot on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. However, the Compañía de Parques Nacionales beautifully restored the lighthouse in 2002-03. The restoration cost $2.3 million and is part of a larger project creating a public recreation facility in the area. Google's satellite view shows the swimming pool and other facilities located adjacent to the light station. On the beach nearby is the metal ruin of a former range light, also long abandoned. Located southeast of Arroyo on the southeastern coast of the island. Owner/site manager: Puerto Rico Compañía de Parques Nacionales (Parque Nacional Punta Guilarte). . ARLHS PUR-014; ex-Admiralty J5489.
Isla Caja de Muertos (Coffin Island, Muertos Island)
1887. Active; focal plane 297 ft (91 m); white flash every 30 s. 63 ft (19 m) cylindrical stone tower attached to 1-story stone keeper's house; 500 mm lens. Lighthouse painted white, lantern black. Luis Rosario has a photo, Trabas has Capt. Peter's distant view, José Otero has a photo, a drone view is available, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard also has a historic photo, Isaac Ruiz Santana has a street view, and Google has a satellite view. Endangered. Poorly maintained since it was automated in 1945, the light station is on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. The Shanklins found the keeper's house unsecured and open to the elements, and Mari-Mutt writes that holes in the roof are allowing rain to drench the interior. Caja de Muertos is a small island in the Caribbean about 8 km (5 mi) southeast of Ponce; it is accessible by passenger ferry from Ponce on weekends. The island is a nature preserve. Lighthouse located on the highest point of the island, more or less accessible by a very steep and difficult hiking trail. Site open, tower apparently open but dangerous. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: Departamento de Recursos Naturales. . ARLHS PUR-003; Admiralty J5556; USCG 3-31925; NGA 14524.

Faro de Punta Tuna
Punta Tuna Light, Maunabo, January 2008
Flickr Creative Commons photo by Jorge Rodriguez

Punta de las Figuras Light, Arroyo, June 2019
Instagram photo by Borinken Road Trip

Isla de Cardona (Ponce, Cayo Cardona)
1889. Active (?); focal plane 46 ft (14 m); white flash every 4 s. 36 ft (11 m) cylindrical stone tower attached to 1-story stone keeper's house. Lighthouse painted white; lantern is black. The original 6th order Sautier, Lemonier & Cie. Fresnel lens is on display in the Coast Guard Museum in San Juan. Carlos Aleman's 2021 drone view is at right, Trabas has Capt. Peter's photo, Miriam Melendez has a 2018 closeup of the light tower, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard also has a historic photo, and Google has a satellite view. Gravely endangered and now on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. Mari-Mutt writes that salt spray has severely corroded the lantern and the lighthouse is probably in need of a complete restoration. A 2018 closeup photo by Daysha Lee Cruz shows the poor condition of the lighthouse. In March 2021 the Coast Guard announced the lighthouse was too dangerous to enter due to damage from the January 2020 earthquake. Located on the highest point of a small island about 2 km (1.2 mi) southeast of Ponce, marking the entrance to Ponce harbor. Site and tower closed. Owner/site manager: U.S. Coast Guard. ARLHS PUR-009; Admiralty J5560; USCG 3-31950; NGA 14536.
* Ponce Range Rear
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 48 ft (15 m); green light, 3 s on, 3 s off. Approx. 43 ft (13 ft) square skeletal tower painted black. Trabas has Capt. Peter's photo, Google has a street view, and Bing has a satellite view. This is the harbor entrance range. The front light is on a post in the harbor. Located across from the historic Customs House on the Ponce waterfront. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty J5564.1; USCG 3-31965; NGA 14544.
Cayo Maria Langa (Guayanilla)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 42 ft (13 m); white flash every 2.5 s. 40 ft (12.5 m) triangular skeletal tower carrying a red diamond-shaped daymark. has a photo and Bing has an indistinct satellite view. Hector Ruiz has a street view obtained by climbing on the tower (not recommended). Located on a small cay outside the harbor of Guayanilla, a small port on the southwest coast. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty J5569.8; USCG 3-32065; NGA 14548.

Isla de Cardona Light, Ponce, April 2021
Google Maps photo by Carlos Aleman
* #Guánica (Cana)
1893. Inactive since 1950 and now collapsed. This was an octagonal cylindrical masonry tower with lantern and gallery attached to a 1-story masonry keeper's house. The lighthouse was replaced by a buoy offshore. Mario Vendrell has a 2017 photo, a 2008 photo is available, the Coast Guard has a historic photo of the intact lighthouse, and Google has a satellite view. For many years this was a critically endangered lighthouse; the building appeared to be in danger of collapse and is a longtime resident on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. Mari-Mutt writes that "in May 2007 the Guánica municipality and the Department of Natural Resources signed an agreement to restore the lighthouse and its surroundings," but nothing came of this agreement. In November 2012 the newspaper El Nuevo Día reported that work was set to begin in 2013. No evidence of work was ever seen and a July 2017 street view by David Diaz showed no improvement in the lighthouse. Soon it was too late; the earthquake of 7 January 2020 collapsed most of the structure, leaving part of the tower and one wall standing, as seen in Bryan Estrella's photo at right and Edwin Cupely's June 2021 photo. The lighthouse is within a commonwealth nature reserve, Bosque Estatal de Guánica (Guánica State Forest), thought to be the best example of dry forest in the Caribbean. Located on PR 333 about 2.5 km (1.5 mi) south of Guánica, where the lighthouse formerly marked the east side of the entrance to the Bahía de Guánica. Site open, tower closed. Owner/site manager: Departamento de Recursos Naturales. . ARLHS PUR-007.
Guánica Range Rear
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 49 ft (15 m); red light, 3 s on, 3 s off. Approx. 13 m (43 ft) skeletal tower carrying a rectangular daymark colored red with a white vertical stripe. No photo available but Google has an indistinct satellite view. This is the entrance range for Guánica harbor; the front light is on a similar tower about 33 ft (10 m) tall. Located off the Calle Santa Rosa on the south side of Guánica. Site status unknown. Admiralty J5574.1; USCG 3-32220; NGA 14568.

Guánica Light ruins, Guánica, July 2020
Google Maps photo by Bryan Estrella
**** Cabo Rojo (Los Morrillos)
1882. Active; focal plane 121 ft (37 m); white flash every 20 s. 40 ft (12 m) hexagonal cylindrical stone tower attached to a 1-story stone keeper's house; DCB-24 aerobeacon. Lighthouse painted gray with white trim. Don Gabo's photo is at right, Phil Putnam has also posted a good photo, Trabas has Köhler's closeup photo, a 2019 photo is available, has aerial photos, Huelse has a historic postcard view, and Google has a street view and a satellite view. The lighthouse was renovated in 1986 but therafter it was not maintained and rapidly deteriorated through neglect and vandalism. By early 2001 the lighthouse was in very poor condition. In June 2002 the city government announced it would spend $4.5 million to restore the lighthouse, construct a visitor center, and establish a nature preserve in the surrounding area. Restoration of the light station began later in 2002 and was completed in October 2004. A second phase of the project developed the grounds with walkways and wildlife viewing platforms. The lighthouse reopened to the public in 2007; the city has a web page. Interior renovations were completed in 2013-14. The light station is located within the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge. Located on a dramatic limestone bluff overlooking the Caribbean at the end of PR 301 at Cabo Rojo, the southwestern tip of the island. Site open, lighthouse and tower open daily Wednesday through Sunday and on holidays. Owner: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: Municipio de Cabo Rojo. . ARLHS PUR-002; Admiralty J5578; USCG 3-32290; NGA 14572.

Cabo Rojo Light, Cabo Rojo, May 2007
Flickr Creative Commons photo
by Don Gabo

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Posted December 1999. Checked and revised January 3, 2024. Lighthouses: 28. Site copyright 2024 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.