[compost_tea] kelp substitute

From: Anthony <boofq_at_wn.com.au>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 08:36:19 +0800

What alternatives are there to substitute for soluble kelp. I realize it is=
 the major source of food for all recipes as it is supplying diverse micron=
utrients and proteins among others things to the organisms. I see that many=
 people are activating their composts with flours of various types, is it f=
easible to be adding flour directly to the tank as to reduce the amount of =
kelp required?
 I ask this not only to reduce costs but I have recently heard about the un=
sustainable way kelp is harvested around the globe and that some licenses h=
ave been revoked as a result of illegal poaching. As this panacea gains mo=
mentum and eventually becomes the norm in agriculture (and we no longer are=
 seen as quacks :))
the demand for this material will surely become more and more unsustainable=
. Kelp fields are undoubtably huge but will it become a case of robbing pet=
er to pay his mate paul? This may be for some time to come but nothing can =
be thought of as having a bottomless pit without having some negative impac=
t on the environment.
Obviously a high quality replacement ingredient is required but what?
fish hydrolysate
fruit pulp
Just thought i'd throw this one into the ring


Received on Tue Sep 23 2003 - 22:01:12 EDT

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