Re: [compost_tea] kelp substitute

From: Jeff Young <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 21:34:37 -0700 (PDT)

A couple of comments about kelp;
1. There are actually some sustainable kelp farms out there. Some have even been certified as organic farms. I was glad to read your concerns. Too many times I have seen a fishery product become hot, and then over-fished to the point of extinction. All before the public, and certainly the government even raises an eyebrow.
2. The big thing about kelp is the trace mineral content. The theory is that minerals that wash off the land end up in sea and are taken up by kelp. These minerals can be put back into soil by using kelp. The same thing, in theory, can be accomplished with fish hydrolysate, as bi-valves also filter minerals, get eaten by small fish, which get eaten by bigger fish, which end up in hydrolysate.

Anthony <> wrote:
What alternatives are there to substitute for soluble kelp. I realize it is the major source of food for all recipes as it is supplying diverse micronutrients and proteins among others things to the organisms. I see that many people are activating their composts with flours of various types, is it feasible to be adding flour directly to the tank as to reduce the amount of kelp required?
 I ask this not only to reduce costs but I have recently heard about the unsustainable way kelp is harvested around the globe and that some licenses have been revoked as a result of illegal poaching. As this panacea gains momentum and eventually becomes the norm in agriculture (and we no longer are seen as quacks :))
the demand for this material will surely become more and more unsustainable. Kelp fields are undoubtably huge but will it become a case of robbing peter to pay his mate paul? This may be for some time to come but nothing can be thought of as having a bottomless pit without having some negative impact on the environment.
Obviously a high quality replacement ingredient is required but what?
fish hydrolysate
fruit pulp
Just thought i'd throw this one into the ring

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Received on Wed Sep 24 2003 - 06:42:21 EDT

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