RE: [compost_tea] Pushing AACT forward;weed control:was Re: dirty filters

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 22:23:40 -0700

Isn't it amazing they can seed after mowing, even after several
mowings and drought thrown in too. I'm thinking about the brown
iceberg lettuce in the frig trying to answer "what happens to the
greens (disced at 45F)'til ground warms in the spring?" Dennis

[Mike says:] I think they kick into seed-gear after mowing. I found that
they go to seed sooner (meaning shorter) after each mowing too.

I did the hairy vetch thang this last fall. Clipped them in the spring at
flower (when its supposed to kill it) but it thrived strong. Hard to
re-clip after your mellons and corn has started to grow. Didn't seem to
bother the corn any, but the mellons had a tough time getting light. I have
faith in it and will try it again. Takes a long time for the vetch to kick
in when the weather starts to cool though. Don't expect a lot of mass until
spring time warms the air.

> But I've been holding back on discing, and was considering doing it
> weekend. It seems, following Dr E's response, that discing just
after the
> warm weather trades off for the winter temps would be a great time
to disc
> the weeds under. Then I suspect laying down a drench of AACT to
> the OG over the winter would be a benifit. When the weather warms,
> predators wake and go to work adding the N when needed most (for my
> anyway). I'm liking this.
<><<><><<><><<>I like to disc in green covers or weeds although I
think I'm going to try to use covercrops in the future instead of
weeds. I'd been avoiding seed costs using weeds. Today I planted
hairy vetch on the melon patch hoping it will be vined by may 15 so I
can clip it for mulch and transplant melons anywhere I want. Dennis

> Dr E., being that we're talking about discing weeds (green)
wouldn't that
> make the bacteria the most important consumer over the fungi? As
the fungi
> go for the brown stuff, bacteria the green. I realize that given
> require specific B:F ratios - but for this purpose a B dominant
brew seems
> best?
> Mike

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