[compost_tea] List serve guidance

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 10:18:57 -0800

O.K. we are probably over the last little hump of complaints,
but just so everyone knows what the list moderator's
unofficial rules are, I've set them out here.

** There are two parts to any list. Content and Noise. If you have lots o=
f CT mail, read them all before
you reply to one as your comments may have already been made. Ask yourself =
before you post - "Is this post
going to help somebody?" If the post is helpful to somebody it is content.=

** If you are simply venting - a "me-too" then it doesn't help anybody but=
you and on lists we call this "noise".

** . The usefulness of any list is the ratio of
helpful content to noise. The more content = the better the list. The mo=
noise - the fewer people will stay around. In other professional lists I'm=
on - if the noise level rises, the pro's start to leave. They don't have
the time to listen to noise but they do make the time to listen to content.=
For example, most of you have never met Dr. Elaine Ingham but she is on thi=
s list. If she
leaves we all lose a very unique and valuable resource.

** ** Your choice is to add content or add noise. ** **

** If you want to ask a question - do this. That's why we're all here - to=
ask, answer and find out what's happening with this great group of people

**advertising permitted on Sunday only. Using your business website as part=
 of your signature is acceptable every day.

** The poster's name is on the header. At
the top it should say FROM:XXXXX The xxxx's mark the spot -rightclick and=
 get the person's address if you want to reply directly to that person.

** You don't need to thank folks for answers. We'll all assume you are gra=
teful - you
don't have to thank each of us in a post to the group. If you want to make=
a personal statement of some kind - use the xxxx address - not the list.

** Don't fill our mailboxes with "me-too" statements. Cathy says "there's=
 a problem here" and
everybody else says "me too." Somebody says "too many mails" and a host of=
"me-toos" echo from the electronic halls. If we eliminated all the
"me-too's" we would not have problems.

** Naturally, we want to do this nicely and without flames etc. So, as a
general rule of thumb in most lists - content gets on (from individuals and=
companies in the case of this list) but personal statements are taken off
list and sent directly to the individual involved. You can cc the comment=
to the moderator (JEFF_at_GARDENER.COM) if you feel strongly that he should kn=
ow about your
feelings or see your thanks. He is a cold hearted sob, however.

** You can ignore this advice if you want. That's your choice and the
delight of the Net. But if you do - understand that people who are serious=
 about compost tea
don't need their mailbox filled with noise. If those folks leave -
we're all the poorer for it.

** If you want to unsubscribe or change your options -you have to go to Yah=
oo and
 do it there. I cannot help you.



Received on Sat Sep 27 2003 - 15:05:06 EDT

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