[compost_tea] Re: Dead Horses, Member Drift, and Advertisers

From: alex de mello <xela_at_netgate.com.uy>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:56:41 -0300


I find your postings in general particularly interesting, AND understand yo=
ur feeling "under fire" by certain members...

just thinking out loud, what if you post how some of your brewers are built=
 and how they work (saving your "icing on the cake" secrets for yourself), =
so that those who can't afford to buy them, may attempt to build something =
alike, and those who can, and want, will buy from you?

I wouldn't deem that kind of posting an advertisement, in fact, after that =
posting, none of your explanations or claims on your brewer's success could=
 be considered advertisement, since it'd be already public domain

sleep on it...



Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 10:47:36 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Dead Horses, Member Drift, and Advertisers

Good Morning Chris. Your was a Very Thoughtful message. If some writers l=
eave the group to start another. the group loses that iinput. If another g=
roup sets up the infomation that once was all here the once concentrated in=
formation is scattered, diluted. Is there a reason Tim's interesting work=
 about the ecology and HIS way to work toward helping it ,is NOT part of th=
e groups interest? Compost TEA and Elain's work and compost and many ways =
to work with soil and plants -- isn't it all related? If the subject is he=
re, we can read it. If we don't have time or don't like the subject my del=
ete button is as close as my ON button. I like the broad range of related =
subjects this group has been presenting.
 I think I am the target of some criticism because I have discussed the us=
e of and results with, mentioned my stuff more often than the rules sugges=
t. It rally isn't MY stuf that is involved in these success stories. It wo=
uld have been easily the same with any other brewering equipment. This is=
 the part of ACT that I am perhaps expert in. I think it is an important =
part of CT. Whether it is my machinery or someone elses, the machinery has=
 some infuluence on the results of the brewing effort. I find muself eluc=
tant to know or sign my name..I'm ON here too often and it all counts towar=
d promotion? I intended it promote ACT not just my small part in the puzzl=
e Sincerely, X


Received on Tue Sep 30 2003 - 14:17:58 EDT

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