RE: [compost_tea] Re: Air requirement for Bitti ( 9 test run at SFI)

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 21:32:27 -0700 (PDT)

To JUDI and many who read and comented on the 9 tests Kevin and I ran at SFI last week end The tests with the Bittis at SFI were the first times we had used fish hydolosis SP? at that level with those levels of compost. Didn't expect the results. Didn't expect the lowest D O2 report also had the highest total Fungi at 5.8 um/ml of the 9 test runs. Let me answer where you left blank spaces Judi

Judi Stewart <> wrote:

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If we’re now using a Bitti, should we…


1. supplement the air - If you are going into heavier nutrient . compost loads especially with fish, if you have a way to augment the air supply, please do.

2. use less compost We used 4 cups. I think that was part of the overload. 2 cups might have been OK. Air was OK except with GU compost. Does that mean GU is a richer compost? I think so.


3. use fewer nutrients. Bitti did OK with all but the fish and GU combo. follow the recipe and purpresent tests say the air is OK. GU compost was and is OK with much less fish or with other nutrients.

4. apportion the nutrients over time This way of adding nutrients has proven beneficial in some tests.


5. change nothing - Stay with the recipe. Proved to be OK.

6. do something else WE plan to continue the tests started at SFI. I think another 300 tests under carefully controlled and recorded conditions would prove a lot about brewing ACT.All we need is $ 50,000 to cover costs.

Or maybe it costs less to go the route Leon did with his KIS. Just added a LOT of air. No matter what goes in the nutrient mix it ain't gonna run out of air. ( probably good plan, Leon.)


Based on the assumption that high numbers will be wanted and high numbers require high nutrient. compost microbe propagation I am going for more air. It will cost more.


To get his 9000 TB and 85+ TF Kevin used a second source of air that doubled the air supply. That second source has been available but not well advertised. ( Sunday today OK everybody? )


In the mean time the recipe produces acceptable numbers with the Bitti and BobO just the way they came. Suggest taking the extractor chamber out of the brew after 6 hours, running the aerator to the bottom of the tank with full air. The aerator needs to be weighted down to stay all the way down. It is not effective near the surface. I just put a 20 d spike inside the aerator for a weight. Judi preffers to tie the weight ot the outside the aerator. Thanks for asking Judi. Hope my answer was not too long. Bob










-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen []
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 2:22 PM
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: barometric pressure and compost tea Oxygen levels


Hi TaChung - Your information is right. The test results showed much higher microbe activity in brewer #1 on run 1 and run 3. Not as good as we expected but bacteria of 2,000 or more, fungal of 3 test 1 and test 3, 5.8 . We have used the Bitti with the moderate amount of air Elaine mentioned. It delivers well with most recipes but fish proves to be MUCH more activating that I expected. And compost in brewer 1 ( GU ) was apparently much more active with fish than were the other composts. Our conclusion is that more air is essential with some recipes. So more air is in our plans for future production. Bob


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Received on Mon Oct 13 2003 - 01:58:08 EDT

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