[compost_tea] tea grant

From: chriscreid <reidchris_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 03:28:41 -0000

I like Paulette would like to participate in a tea grant testing
program. At the time you first made your offer, I had not yet
bought a brewer.

Maybe there is another way to structure it to ensure you get the
data you seek. For example, have people pay a certain amount up
front and get a rebate later or -- if money is not a good enough
motivator (meaning effective at getting people to do more than go
through the motions) -- then the question is, inside of what
structure would people be more likely to carry out their testing?
For example, are members of a group such as an organic farmers'
association more likely to support each other and have social
pressure to do the tea tests than individuals scattered around the
country? Or, does there need to be some structure such as a monthly
on-line chat with the participants to answer questions and compare
notes (he he, kind of like a Weight Watchers' weigh-in -- you have
to come to the chat with your tea numbers in hand!).

Also, for the administrative end, is there a way to set up the
paperwork such that each would-be participant fills out their own
forms online and you don't have to do as much shuffling around and
sending of paper?

As you can tell, all suggestions toward hoping there is a way that
makes sense to proceed with some version of that program in the

Chris Reid

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Received on Tue Nov 18 2003 - 03:47:42 EST

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