Re: [compost_tea] compost tea a pseudoscience?

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 21:30:46 -0800

By the way -- in case anybody cares -- I buy into the SFW concept fully. W=
hen people ask me what my business does I state: "We are in the process of =
restoring depleted soils to their natural state of bio-diversity."
The SFW is a fact and I have seen the concepts work. We may end up with re=
gualtions against the use of compost tea just as we will see regulations re=
garding the use of compost. I would imagine that most of these concern irr=
ational fears of e-coli. Commercial compost operations are already under c=
onsiderable attack in CA and the county I live in is in the process of enac=
ting rules that will completely stop the composting of biosolids unless mor=
e rational minds purvail.

I would hope this group posits questions and let's Elaine answer. She appe=
ars very free with a lot of valuable knowledge. If she has to spend her i=
nternet time fighting straw men or paper tigers, we are misusing a valuable=
 resource. We should know the basics or know where to find certain things =
and we should be very careful about stating facts or results because in thi=
s, as in any, "emerging" field it is easy to be labeled a crackpot.

Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 9:05 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] compost tea a pseudoscience?

  The scientific method is:

  1. Observation

Received on Tue Nov 25 2003 - 00:56:11 EST

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