Re: [compost_tea] Help with Grant Proposal and "Research" Project

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 12:49:54 -0800

I would try catalogs. If you have a local farm supplier, that may be good.=
  Also check out Grainger. But I'll bet if you just put "inline flow meter=
s" into a search engine, you will get about 10,000 listings.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: w.reece speas
  Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 4:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Help with Grant Proposal and "Research" Projec=

  Hi peter , my name is reece , i have a lawn care business here in eugene =
oregon area, and i have a 200 gallon sprayer ,and i am looking for an inlin=
e gallonage metter ,something that wikk allow me to spray and then tell me =
how much i have used when i am done ,to give me a more accurate reading for=
 my customers rather than guess the tank is marked but i would prefer to be=
 precise ,if you know of someplace or if you have something this would be a=
 great help , thank you sincerly , w.reece speas , w.&w. lawn care e=

  Ted Peterson <> wrote:

    My name is Ted Peterson. I own Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth in San Lu=
is Obispo. We have done work using aerated compost tea on wineries (Wild H=
orse Winery for example.) and have initiated projects with cities and count=
ies. We can write grants and help with project specifications. We special=
ize in high-quality compost production and manufacture -- or sell plans for=
 the construction of -- inexpensive, easy-to-clean brewers. We have docume=
ntation that will take you from nothing to fully functional as far as compo=
st and tea brewing are concerned. We can customize our work to fit your ap=
plication and we have come up with a number of innovative protocols to acco=
mplish our customer's goals. My business associate, Tim Bolander, has been=
 composting for over twenty years. Tim is a recognized expert in compostin=
g and vermiculture.

    Feel free to contact me for any assistance.


    Ted Peterson
    Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
    805 534-9605

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Received on Sat Dec 06 2003 - 16:11:04 EST

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