Re: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:17:57 -0800

Patents are interesting. I have filed for patents but cannot afford the wh=
ole patent search and exclusivity process. (It's about $300K.) So I have p=
atent pending registration. In a court, that's good enough coverage. One =
cannot patent "brewing" as a process and there are many ways CT can be brew=
ed. So the only things that gives my stuff an edge is the service I give, =
the uniqueness of my design, clean up time and ease and the price to be com=
petitive. My 225G brewers sell for $1400. Less if you get the container (=
It's specific to the brewer.) on your own. I even show people where to get=
 them. Some people just don't find that good enough though. I have never =
had one come back but have had them duplicated with less than favorable res=

Take composting for example. Show a client how to compost as part of a con=
tract and some person at your client's will think they've got it down and y=
ou can be removed. It's the same with brewing. It is important to show th=
e client enough, if you are working on a long range contract, to get them g=
oing but not enough to allow them to remove you from the equation. I had t=
wo clients restructure contracts because they thought they could "do it the=
mselves." Both failed miserably because regardless of instruction and bein=
g shown how to do it right, they opted for shortcuts to save a little ime. =
 Now, I don't begrudge a person pinching a penny but sometimes financial ga=
in in the short run leads to long term loss overall.

I think this group is good. The explanation that Elaine gave of CT and sal=
t was more than worth putting up with list Fascists.

Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth

----- Original Message -----
  From: John Cowan
  Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:56 AM
  Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed

  Hi Ted,

  Anyone who manufactures a unique product faces what you are facing. My br=
other has a business that made a popular unique gas appliance for many year=
s. Overseas manufacturers have now ripped it off royally. He still sells th=
em because they are the best quality not because they are cheap or he has s=
ued anybody (a waste of time and money). He also has developed other produc=
t lines that make more money now. Two options: you can get a patent (not a=
lways a wonderful route) or you could have your buyers sign a type of non-d=
isclosure agreement. If your brewer is so easily duplicated you may have to=
 sell it cheaper than they can make it. If your brewer is still better than=
 the rip-offs then you should make your advantages known. I'm sorry I don't=
 see brewers as being rocket science and worthy of a high price. The propri=
ety aspect is more about the compost and ingredients, timing and handling, =

  Do your tissue test interpretations correspond with plant growth or fruit=
 quality? Do you use any infield tests?


  John Cowan
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ted Peterson []
    Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:23 PM
    Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed


    I have said this before and I will say it again. Tea testing is import=
ant but tea can be "manufactured" to get test results. I find better infor=
mation in plant leaf assay and soil tests. I can get good tea but that doe=
sn't guarantee that I will apply it correctly or that I have food for the c=
ritters I put in the soil. The only real evidence I have that it is workin=
g is good analyses of the environment where I am using the tea.

    Plans for brewers. I have had my designs ripped off by growers who bou=
ght one machine and then built several based on my design. I am not intere=
sted in giving my designs away. I did two years of experimentation and res=
earch to come up with my designs and I will not give them away. I will sel=
l plans. So If anyone is interested in buying plans for my brewers, they c=
an contact me. The aerators I design are custom and I will not distribute =
plans for those.

    An unscrupulous person could buy one and rip it apart and then try to r=
emanufacture and resell based on my work. That type of behavior hurts ever=
yone. An early brewer design of mine has been "cloned" and I have been for=
ced to file injunctions against the growers who "bought" from the grower wh=
o ripped me off. I am in business to help restore soil health not file law=
 suits so I hope you understand my reluctance to "share" data with possible=

    Anyway, brewers and tea are only part of the solution. We are promotin=
g healthy soil through the use of compost tea but just as important or more=
 important than the brewing is is compost and nutrients put into the brewer=
. Brewing will not put anything into the tea that is not already in the co=
mpost as far as biology is concerned.

    Ted Peterson
    Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: chriscreid
      Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:11 AM
      Subject: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed

      It's time for a straight up dialogue without the Ad Hominem attacks.=
> Who will step up and take the risks of sharing real usable
> information rather than veiled sales pitches?
      How do you spell AMEN?

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