Re: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed

From: w.reece speas <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 01:57:20 -0800 (PST)

Criss ,now that i have read what started this , i dont think there calling you a thief ,they just don't want to share specifically what they did and i dont blame anyone for that, on the other hand most evryone in here doesn't seem to mind sharing or steering you in the right directon ,but their not going to share exact specifics and rightfull so.anyway , good luck , reece
Ted Peterson <> wrote:Patents are interesting. I have filed for patents but cannot afford the whole patent search and exclusivity process. (It's about $300K.) So I have patent pending registration. In a court, that's good enough coverage. One cannot patent "brewing" as a process and there are many ways CT can be brewed. So the only things that gives my stuff an edge is the service I give, the uniqueness of my design, clean up time and ease and the price to be competitive. My 225G brewers sell for $1400. Less if you get the container (It's specific to the brewer.) on your own. I even show people where to get them. Some people just don't find that good enough though. I have never had one come back but have had them duplicated with less than favorable results.
Take composting for example. Show a client how to compost as part of a contract and some person at your client's will think they've got it down and you can be removed. It's the same with brewing. It is important to show the client enough, if you are working on a long range contract, to get them going but not enough to allow them to remove you from the equation. I had two clients restructure contracts because they thought they could "do it themselves." Both failed miserably because regardless of instruction and being shown how to do it right, they opted for shortcuts to save a little ime. Now, I don't begrudge a person pinching a penny but sometimes financial gain in the short run leads to long term loss overall.
I think this group is good. The explanation that Elaine gave of CT and salt was more than worth putting up with list Fascists.
Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
----- Original Message -----
From: John Cowan
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:56 AM
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed

Hi Ted,
Anyone who manufactures a unique product faces what you are facing. My brother has a business that made a popular unique gas appliance for many years. Overseas manufacturers have now ripped it off royally. He still sells them because they are the best quality not because they are cheap or he has sued anybody (a waste of time and money). He also has developed other product lines that make more money now. Two options: you can get a patent (not always a wonderful route) or you could have your buyers sign a type of non-disclosure agreement. If your brewer is so easily duplicated you may have to sell it cheaper than they can make it. If your brewer is still better than the rip-offs then you should make your advantages known. I'm sorry I don't see brewers as being rocket science and worthy of a high price. The propriety aspect is more about the compost and ingredients, timing and handling, IMO.
Do your tissue test interpretations correspond with plant growth or fruit quality? Do you use any infield tests?
John Cowan
-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Peterson []
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed

I have said this before and I will say it again. Tea testing is important but tea can be "manufactured" to get test results. I find better information in plant leaf assay and soil tests. I can get good tea but that doesn't guarantee that I will apply it correctly or that I have food for the critters I put in the soil. The only real evidence I have that it is working is good analyses of the environment where I am using the tea.
Plans for brewers. I have had my designs ripped off by growers who bought one machine and then built several based on my design. I am not interested in giving my designs away. I did two years of experimentation and research to come up with my designs and I will not give them away. I will sell plans. So If anyone is interested in buying plans for my brewers, they can contact me. The aerators I design are custom and I will not distribute plans for those.
An unscrupulous person could buy one and rip it apart and then try to remanufacture and resell based on my work. That type of behavior hurts everyone. An early brewer design of mine has been "cloned" and I have been forced to file injunctions against the growers who "bought" from the grower who ripped me off. I am in business to help restore soil health not file law suits so I hope you understand my reluctance to "share" data with possible competitors.
Anyway, brewers and tea are only part of the solution. We are promoting healthy soil through the use of compost tea but just as important or more important than the brewing is is compost and nutrients put into the brewer. Brewing will not put anything into the tea that is not already in the compost as far as biology is concerned.
Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
----- Original Message -----
From: chriscreid
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:11 AM
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: confused and alarmed

It's time for a straight up dialogue without the Ad Hominem attacks.
> Who will step up and take the risks of sharing real usable
> information rather than veiled sales pitches?
How do you spell AMEN?

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