[compost_tea] Oxygen levels while brewing...

From: Charles Lund <north32nd_at_harbornet.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 09:38:07 -0800

I want to monitor the oxygen levels while brewing tea and would like some s=
uggestions, ideas, and assistance.

I've heard talk (but no specifics) of a German system complete with softwar=
e in the $500.00 range. Can someone provide a lead here?

Any and all recommendations on products and suppliers will certainly be app=
reciated. Successes, failures...

Various oxygen monitoring lab products have been on e-Bay but having a libe=
ral arts background, I'm pretty darn clueless about what to shop for and ho=
w to make it work for monitoring a complete brewing cycle. Comments please=

I've never actually seen an oxygen monitoring set up for this kind of appli=
cation. If anyone can send me some photos I would appreciate that as well.

I have reviewed the archives of this list and haven't found what I'm lookin=
g for but if this has been a subject of lengthy discussion in the past, and=
 you don't want to over burden the list, please contact me directly with an=
y information you are willing to share...

Chuck Lund

Received on Fri Dec 19 2003 - 13:09:18 EST

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