Re: [compost_tea] Re: CT on NOSB Agenda!

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 16:48:52 -0800

----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Monie
  Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 2:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: CT on NOSB Agenda!

  Hi Dr. Ingham,

  Hope you don't mind if I play "devil's advocate" for a moment in

  Re: This discussion.

  I took some manure and had it tested for pathogen content by our local WW=
TP. It was way above EPA. Then I dumped it in a brewer and added sugar, N=
,P,K and air. The temp was kept about 60 - 65 dF. Then tested the tea. G=
uess what. Pathogens tested < .02 with is virtually ND. All compost has t=
he potential for pathogens. Even "green" compost made without any animal p=
roducts can still be a target for malicious birds and bird poop is loaded w=
ith pathogens. Get some onto or into your compost pile and presto, pathoge=
ns. I think the argument about clean compost is a losing argument in the l=
ong run.

  I think our best approach to defeating the pathogen controversy is to kee=
p temps low and air high. This way we are never creating an environment th=
at pathogens like. If we start recommending brewing in the 70+ dF range, w=
e can be accused of promoting pathogens because even the best, most highly =
oxygenated brewer has to have some places where pathogens can grow. With t=
he right temp, food and location, they will grow as has been shown.

  We are now using tea brewed from composted biosolids to innoculate newly =
composted biosolids and speeding the pathogen reduction and composting proc=
ess. I designed a brewer that keeps the compost in suspension with lots of=
 air. It's working great and the tea tested pathogen content < .02.

  So? Structure our brewing methodology around an environment that de-emph=
asizes pathogens at every level.

  Ted Peterson
  Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth

Received on Sun Feb 29 2004 - 21:20:34 EST

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