Re: [compost_tea] Usable Information

From: Stuart Baxter <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 20:10:08 -0000

Hi Bob

Oh no! Not another curve :o)

Jon wanted some usable information for a beginner to AACT and I've tried to=
 provide a starting point from the things I've read. It's not written in st=
one, although it would be beneficial to us all if something was, but views =
that were accepted at the time of their posting. The list is open if anyone=
 wants to publish a known good recipe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .=
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .couldn't =
hold my breath long enough :o)

Now using a 1 gallon formula in 50 gallons will certainly keep things safe,=
 but how effective will the tea be? I have a feeling this will start anothe=
r discussion on dilution.

Be well

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Norsen
  Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 7:03 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Usable Information

  Stuart and All Can I thow a curve to this discussion? Air per gallon i=
s not a useful measure. What is critical is Air per measured microbe activ=
ity. Harder to measure? Certainly!. Face the hard facts. Air required to=
 keep clear water aerated ? not much! Air to keep the same quantity highl=
y charged with nutrients and compost aerated - LOTS.

  So how to think about AIR and Gaollons and Compost and Nutrients?

  For a given formula of compost and nutrients you will need "X" quantity o=
f AIR applied in a well designed way. Then put that formula in 1 gallon or=
 in 5 gallons or in 10 or 50 or 100 gallons of water and the "X" air repuir=
ed remains the same for all quantities.

  What will the results be? The formula will give over-active TEA at 1 gal=
lon. The mix will be so concentrated it might become anarobic with any los=
s of O2 supply. Think 10 people in a sealed up phone booth. Put that same=
 compost and nutrient pack in 50 g water with the same air supply, the rese=
rve O2 in the water at any time makes the "brew" less subject to momentary =
air supply, think 10 people in a sealed living room. Eventually both situ=
ations need the same amount of air but the living room is less critical mom=
ent to moment.

  So if you can't use gallons to estimate AIR required what do you use? =

  Tested formulas related to DO2 measures. Know what compost and nutrient=
s you use and by recording DO2 under known temperatures and thruout the dur=
ation of the brew cycle you or your brewer maker and formula maker you kno=
w how much of what compost and nutrients you can use with your air supply a=
t a given range of temperture.

  What a load to throw at any would be user of ACT !

  What is an easier way and less expensive? Get and use a bigger air supp=
ly!! Cheaper and safer than a DO2 meter There will be more on this - from=
 many ?? Bob.

  Stuart Baxter <> wrote:
    Sorry Jon, I got the compost/water ratio wrong - it should have been ab=
out 1 pound to 5 gallons but I can't find the source, and I seem to remembe=
r it was a bacteria selected mix with 1 ounce of molasses as food.

    The air quantity I gave is a 'starting' figure and came from a post las=
t October 2nd: -
    "> Paul Wagner _at_SFI in NY in personal telecon several months ago said 1=
L/min/gallon is air objective (minimum).
    From my experience this seems about right."

    About DO meters and anaerobic tea: - "If course, it takes a few hours t=
o accumulate enough anaerobic metabolites, which we smell as odor, to be ab=
le to smell that the brew is anaerobic." Elaine Ingham. 12 October 2003
    And the oxygen content is inferred by: - "The thing of concern is trans=
fer of oxygen into the water. Oxygen is being used up in the water so rapid=
ly by the microbes that oxygen concentration is dropping to below 5.5 to 6 =
ppm." Elaine Ingham. 1 November 2003.

    I'm sure there are more references that I can't find, like the one abou=
t using brix meters on grapes, but it is a starting point :o)

    Be well

    pile o' bits

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Jon
      Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 4:13 PM
      Subject: [compost_tea] Usable Information

      Hey everyone,
      I am new to the group (about a month) and have been reading the
      posts to date.
      I concider myself a life-long-learner and this is a new area of
      study for me. I am here to learn about compost tea and its related
      agricultural applications. I have many questions for example;

      -How much air should be injected (per gallon) for brewing?
      -What length of time should the tea brew for?
      -What types of compost recipes (different combination of ingredients)
      are being used in the teas?
      -Has anyone done comparative studies on veggies and small fruits
      with different teas to increase the Brix levels contained within

        So far its like I am a student sitting in a routy classroom
      waiting for the teachers to arrive. I know I can find most of my
      answers in books, and for some questions I will seek out that
      information, but for now I would perfer a dialog with others to
      reflect and share ideas with. I hope this can be a place where I can=
      learn and maybe meet some interesting people along the way.
                                                          Thanks; Jon =
      P.S. If you feel offended by someone/something use the Delete key. =

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Received on Sun Mar 14 2004 - 16:36:50 EST

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