[compost_tea] Newbie Introduction

From: Sonshine <sonshine_at_houston.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 08:58:40 -0600

Hi everyone. Time to introduce myself, I joined a few days ago to learn mo=
re about compost teas. I'm not commercial, have a small patio home and try=
ing to grow medicinal herbs; am a medical herbalist, not a commercial growe=

So first question is this group only for commercial growers or also for ind=
ividuals who just want to increase their knowledge in organic gardening?

I recently purchased a very small compost tea kit from www.gardensalive.com=
 Looked good, very reasonable and am waiting for it to arrive. Making my o=
wn inoculants (I think that's what it's called) is what I'm trying to learn=
. What I've found so far is to have a started of good compost, some worm c=
ompost, a little molasses and brew it up. Is this too simplistic?

Any help would be appreciated or sources close to me (Houston) that could p=
rovide the materials for the compost tea at a reasonable cost.

Thanks in advance,


Received on Wed Mar 24 2004 - 12:04:29 EST

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