[compost_tea] Re: Perceived risk of food-related hazards

From: Steve Diver <steved_at_ncat.org>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 15:19:55 -0000
Hey Dennis -

Slow down a little and read my postings.

The citation I shared had NOTHING to do with CTTF!! 

It was an item that arrived in this journal's Table
of Contents.  It is a current paper.... that provides
a parallel perpective.... with respect to public
perceptions of "risk"... pathogens included.  

That's all.  Add it to your toolbox, or delete it.

As far as the specs, it says it right there in CTTF.


Steve Diver

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "dkemnitz2000" <dkemnitz2000@y...>
> ---Steve is this paper the reason CTTF wants to use  indicator
> organisms(indicative of feces) to determine safety of ACT?  I don't
> get it.

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Received on Thu Apr 29 2004 - 13:01:53 EDT

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