[compost_tea] Re: Hay question...

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 04:28:56 -0000
---Ted, Molasses was supposed to kill the worms.  Make 'em sick from
the sugar.  But I didn't get it on soon enough to give it a chance.
ACT was to develop roots and loosen the soil. And some of the
microbes were supposed to decompose the dead worms.  It seems
reasonable enough.  And the sugar raises the brix of the plants which
is to jump start them in the spring.  I got some more alfy growing
now which I planted this spring in the wheat.  I need to get ACT on
it soon; To help it develop more roots for the long hot summer coming
up.  Normally the roots develop over fall, winter and spring cause it
is planted in the fall before frost, which kills small alfalfa plants.
Nearly all alfalfa is sprayed here each spring to kill the worms. 

In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "Ted Peterson" <ted.peterson@t...>
> Dennis:
> Unless things have changed significantly, I don't think ACT can
kill worms.  I may be wrong here but I don't recall any post or
research that indicated that ACT could kill anything.  It might
prevent an infestation but once you got it, treat it with a
pesticide.  Get your preventative program started early. 
> I use alfalfa for a lot of things.  It is a great indicator crop
because toxins and pesticides show up in it really well.  It is also
a good water use indicator crop for other things.  I brew with
alfalfa hay and in CA, I don't recall that any is sprayed with any
kind of pesticide because horses eat it and there are a lot of hunter-
jumpers, rodeo and show horses here.  They all buy the same hay so I
doubt it has harmful levels of pesticides.  I don't know about any
worm infestations in Alfalfa or Oat hay grown in CA. 
> My youngest daughter is in pro rodeo (Wendy Peterson if you know
rodeo) and she has 9 horses.  The biggest problem she is concerned
with is bot flys.  I asked here about the hay because I wanted to use
it in brewing.  I asked the same question. "Where do I get organic
hay."  Well she looked at me like a hog would look at a wristwatch
and said that all hay was organic.  I don't think she understood the
whole certification process and organic farming. 
> Ted Peterson
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: dkemnitz2000
>   To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
>   Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 6:26 PM
>   Subject: [compost_tea] Re: Hay question...
>   I sprayed molasses and ACT too late I think, to kill the worm as
my new
>   fall planting died.

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Received on Sat May 15 2004 - 10:59:10 EDT

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