Re: [compost_tea] Hay question...

From: Perry Clutts <>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 17:23:25 -0400

>> One more; I've been using alfalfa as a mulch in places and find it work=
s quite well in maintaining moisture and bringing up earth worms.

> Excellent! Thank you for the info! The earthworms are probaby attracted=
 to the fungi and bacteria growing on the alfalfa, and the moisture being m=
aintained is helping them stay alive once there.

What about spoiled hay that was rained on. Lots of mould... is it still oka=
y to mulch or will it upset the balance?

>Insecticides (white flies, aphids, leafhopper I suppose) and herbicides ar=
e about all I know of being applied to alfalfa. Anyone else know?

Around here (central Ohio), no-till drills are used for planting 100% alfal=
fa stands, so there is 7.5" spacing between rows. Herbicides are used to co=
ntrol weeds until plant can establish. Continued spraying is used to contro=
l leaf hopper. Some use IPM and scout for thresholds, others spray on a sch=
edule. We use a Brillion seeder that scatters seed so plants are everywhere=
 with no need for herbicides. We use compost at planting at 2.5 tons/acre a=
nd same at each harvest or at the beginning of a grazing rest and have litt=
le weevil damage (we do plant weevil resistant variety).


Received on Sat May 15 2004 - 18:03:04 EDT

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