RE: [compost_tea] Re: Anaerobic boy crosses over

From: Mike Benton <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 20:16:07 +0200
Hi Titel Welcome to the air breathers :)
I read your posts on the EM list I started using EM in 98 and a year later
started to make what was then considered compost tea.I realized as did many
others that putting microbes through something that resembles a blender was
not a great idea.The other problems wwith pumping liquid rather than air are
what goes on, in the pipes when running and when standing idle.I used EM to
control the nasties in that kind of system but pumping air to move water is
a lot better plus you can move a lot more air for the same cost .
Have fun checking out the old posts and hang around here for a while.
Mike Benton
Compost Technologies      mobile 0823345371

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Received on Mon May 24 2004 - 14:44:58 EDT

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