Re: [compost_tea] Papaya latex

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 12:34:01 -0800

Hi Gerardo! I am coming back in January and Feb...let's hope we can get Ha=
nk to set up something again!

Papaya latex sure looks like it is an antimicrobial, wormer etc....I found =
this on the web, not that we can believe everything we find there. Based on=
 this and the other stuff I found, I agree with your assesment. However, p=
roperly composted, it might be fine????


"The application of papaya latex that is probably of most interest to lives=
tock producers is as an anthelmintic (dewormer). Satrija et al. (1994) test=
ed the efficacy of papaya latex (at doses of 2, 4, and 8 g/kg BW) against A=
scaris suum in 16 pigs. The eggs per gram (epg) on days 0, 1, 5, and 7 were=
 determined using a modified McMaster technique and the adult worms were co=
llected and sexed at necropsy on day 7. The 4- and 8-g/kg BW treatments sig=
nificantly decreased the epg produced (by 99%) and the number of adult worm=
s by 80 and 100%, respectively. The study conducted by Satrija et al. suppo=
rts the results of other studies which indicate that papaya latex is effect=
ive against Ascaridia galli in chickens. One adverse effect of the treatmen=
t was transient diarrhea in the 8-g/kg BW group on day 1 of the study. In a=
nother study, water extracts of papaya seeds decreased Ascaridia galli infe=
ctions in chicks by 41.7% (compared to piperazine hexahydrate which decreas=
ed infections by 99%).

In traditional veterinary medicine, papaya seeds also are used as dewormers=
. In Indonesia and the Philippines, air-dried seeds are ground and mixed wi=
th water - 3 g of seeds/kg bodyweight. The animals are given the seed/water=
 mixture once a day for 6 days. In Indonesia, papaya leaves are used as aff=
ed for animals after parturition - 2 leaves boiled in water fed every 2 day=
s for 1 week. It also has been reported that papaya leaf extract is used as=
 a profilaxis against malaria, though no studies on this use could be found=
 in the literature.

Results from studies on biological activities of Carica papaya parts, extra=
cts, and isolated compounds are briefly summarized below:

  a.. Antimicrobial
    a.. Latex (with a minimum protein concentration of 138 microliters/ml) =
and root extracts inhibited Candida albicans. However, aqueous extracts wer=
e not active.
    b.. Extracts of pulp and seeds showed bacteriostatic properties when te=
sted against Staphylococcus aureua, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Bac=
illus subtilis, and other bacteria in vitro. However, in another study, aqu=
eous extracts (type of extract and plant part not indicated) were not activ=
e against Staphylococcus aureua and Escherichia colis in vitro.
    c.. Alpha-D-mannosidase and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (isolated f=
rom latex) acted synergistically to inhibit yeast growth.
  b.. Parasitic
    a.. Powdered air-dried seeds given orally to 4 dogs (60mg/kg BW for 30 =
days) decreased Dirofilaria immitis infections.
    b.. Papaya latex fed (at a rate of 2, 4, 6, or 8g/kg BW) to mice with e=
xperimental infections of Heligmosomoides polygyrus decreased infections ra=
tes by 55.5-84.5% compared to non-treated control mice.
    c.. Seeds at concentrations of less than 100 micrograms/ml exhibited ac=
tivity against Entamoeba histolytica in vitro.
    d.. Benzylisothiocyanate (isolated from papaya) at concentrations of 10=
0-300 micromoles inhibits the energy metabolism and affected the motor acti=
vity of Ascaridia galli in vitro
  c.. Sedative and muscle relaxer -- studies with rats indicate that alcoho=
l extracts (at a dose of 5 mg/kg BW intraperitoneally or greater) relaxed c=
entral muscles. The extracts (at a dose of 10 mg/kg BW intraperitoneally or=
 greater) also had sedative properties.
  d.. Purgative -- in one study with rats, aqueous extracts increased the n=
umber of wet feces and the movement of intestinal contents.
Papaya has been used to treat the following ailments in humans:

  a.. Abortifacient -- Java, Panama, Sri Lanka, and Turkey
  b.. Amebicide -- Japan
  c.. Arthritis and rheumatism -- Haiti and Java
  d.. Asthma and respiration -- Mauritius, Mexico, and Philippines
  e.. Bactericide -- India
  f.. Cancer -- Australia and Mexico
  g.. Cardiotonic -- Turkey
  h.. Colic -- Malaya
  i.. Constipation and laxative -- Honduras, Panama, and Trinidad
  j.. Corns and boils -- India, Malagasy, Malaya, and Philippines
  k.. Decoagulant -- Trinidad
  l.. Diarrhea and dysentery -- Honduras, Japan, Panama, and West Africa
  m.. Digestive -- China, Dominican Republic, Panama, and Turkey
  n.. Diuretic -- Trinidad
  o.. Dyspepsia -- Mexico
  p.. Dysuria -- Java
  q.. Emmenagogueue -- Mexico and Turkey
  r.. Epithelioma -- St. Vincent
  s.. Fever -- Java and Mexico
  t.. Flu -- Trinidad
  u.. Fumitory -- New Caledonia
  v.. Hypertension -- Honduras and Trinidad
  w.. Infection -- Panama
  x.. Intestinal disorders -- Philippines
  y.. Kidney -- Cameroon and Honduras
  z.. Liver -- Honduras and Turkey
  aa.. Madness -- Ivory Coast
  ab.. Milk production (increase/stimulate) -- Indonesia and Malaysia
  ac.. Opthalmology treatments -- Soviet Union
  ad.. Pectoral -- Mexico
  ae.. Scorpion bites -- Trinidad
  af.. Smoothe upper respiratory tract -- Nigeria
  ag.. Toothhache -- Cote d'Ivoire and Samoa
  ah.. Tuberculosis -- Mexico
  ai.. Tumor (Uterus) -- Ghana Indochina Nigeria
  aj.. Ulcer -- Panama
  ak.. Urology treatments -- Soviet Union
  al.. Venereal -- Trinidad
  am.. Vermifuge -- Haiti, Malaya, Panama, Samoa, and Turkey
  an.. Warts -- Indonesia, Jamaica, Peru, South Africa, and Sri Lanka:

Received on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 17:24:18 EDT

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