[compost_tea] Re: Papaya latex

From: Gerardo Sanchez <gersanch_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 16:45:13 -0500 (CDT)

John, Jeff, Lloyd and all list members:
You touched some points whose importance I may have under or overrated.
1) The latex is not been thrown directly to the soil, it is the peelings that are been thrown.
2) Even if the green papaya peelings may cause some superficial damage to the soil it may eventually be naturally "brewed" by organisms and not affect substantially in-depth organisms and roots.
3) some fungi attack the green papayas while in the tree, that means that the effects of latex, as of most substances, is selective.
4) The peelings are not thrown again to the papaya trees but to other trees.
5) and more important, nothing as a good compost at near 70 degrees Celsius to make the peelings into good compost to be used later to make tea compost.
Jeff: I will delay a little bit more understanding some of the technical expressions in your helpful information, but it looks very interesting.
If you come back to Costa Rica, I will be glad to meet you again.
Greetings from the tropics,

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Received on Fri Jun 18 2004 - 22:45:45 EDT

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