[compost_tea] RE: Nutrients

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 09:19:52 -0700 (PDT)

Mike the volumes to add were mentioned. See below

Mike Bosko <mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com> wrote:No, i hear you there - no way you can do a special mix per customer. maybe an education issue for me but I thought it was 20-50g/acre for a soil drench per DrE.
With my setup I could do 50g per 2 acres.
Bob answers mike:
That 25 gpa would be generous. Needed GPAcre changes with microbes per gallon. If mid range SFI tea, soil drench 10 to 20 GPA. If double mid range dilute to get the water needed but 5 to 10 GPA of the ACT is the same load of microbes. ETC. Many of the brews will, with adding your local compost and nutrients will turn up 2 to 4 times the mid range of microbes. You don't know until after application, even if you send in a test sample. After enough test samples you still only have an idea of what is going on. Unlike hard technical chemical engineering, Bio is soft and approximate every time. So if TEA numbers are high, what about the species? What about the reception in the soil? How many survived? How many took off to multiply in your soil? It seems to me Mike you gotto either have faith or pray a lot and know that Nature is wonderful and will do what is right or nearly right or the best it can do whatever comes of it. Given some boost of the right stuff and less
 nature proves to do wonderfully.
Will one cup of alfalfa pellets be best? Or two? Alfalfa is so mild in action you could choose either and get good results. If you are adding fish that needs to be carefully limited. Fish will easily over load the capacity for O2. half a cup? Kelp is between. Molasses is like fish only boosts bacteria more than fungi. Does your alfalfa field need bacteria or fungi? Or both? That too, depends on your soil and your starting condition. It appears that your alfalfa will select and adjust the microbes in your soil by how your plants feed the microbes.
Unless you are down there, living there with them, how do you know? How? You become Elaine and spend a lifetime searching for an impression of what is going on. I think Elaine will quickly agree that she can't know exactly what is going on. Her new microscope technique will let you look at the TEA will help tell us what we are adding but not the end result in your field.
When will you know? When you cut the crop and measure the quality. That is what made farmers so prone to go chemical. The results are quick, visible, the chemist dictates hard numbers, right or wrong, they offer no approximates. The farmer proceeds with utmost confidense - to a terrible long term result.
Short term the farmer is confident of what he is doing, totally assured by the well paid salesman who sells a low cost item at a huge profit that drives that industry to become a giant and that runs our political machine. Farmers chemical purchase pays the dictator that writes the rules that tells the farmer which chemical to use.
Organic will never be that easy because it won't develop that profit in a huge conglamorate industry, Organic can't ever look that hard, fast, magic.
Stay tuned. Organic will prove that it is magic, near and long term. We have to be able to think & work in the workable approximations that Nature blessed us with. Nature will fill in the high and low spots if we give her a boost and quit adding poisons. 1,000 Elaines, a milllion of us students, ten million farmers, a hundred million shopper moms will prove that Nature, at Human level, is as smart as Nature at microbe levels.
Sorry about thelong answer, Mike, You just wanted to know how much alfalfa to add. About any moderate amount will be OK. Bob
Mike's question continues:
You say too, add compost, alfalfa, molasses, etc - I see that too in the CTManual - but no quantities. Do you have suggested starting points for these three ingredients, when using the pacs?
Will call you later today. Thanks Bob!

Systems Development, Support and Administration

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen [mailto:bnbrew_at_yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 11:11 PM
To: mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com
Subject: RE: Nutrients

Hey Mike Musta been kinda dark out there.
Cost? - 10 g per acre, rich tea diluted 2 to one 50 g does 10 acres, costs $ 11.00 plus your own compost in equal amounts plus your alfalfa pellets plus some molasses. $110 covers 5 acres 20 times. or 100 acres once at a cost of $ 1.10 per acre for the pacs. Add to that your compost, alfalfa, molasses, water, power, application and labor and the cost of the pac will just about become invisible.
The object of the [ac was to simplify the mix for many who asked for that. You can buy bulk kelp and humic acid and make your own if you would rather. Bulk stuff involes several hundred bucks to get to the bulk price. I can't keep up with a special mix or product for each buyer. I could if that was the job of a stafff but I'm not there yet. Like you. working into the night on a daily basis. Bob.

Mike Bosko <mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com> wrote:
I just got in from the field - did get your vmail but have been swamped too - I will call you tomorrow.
So I can't get just the nutrients w/o the compost?? I have my own compost - and have been honing a process for many years. I believe its great compost - using ingredients from my farm - and wood sources local to this area.
50g per acre I guess being only marginal to start a field, and multiple applications sounds as if they will be necessary - and you say that the nutrients need to be doubled to get better 'numbers' -- I can see why this isn't catching with farmers, farmers around here anyway. Yikes. $110 will only get 5 acres of land covered, once? Considering a 50g/acre soil drench.
Do you not sell the pacs w/o the compost -- you sent me two bags of a simply the nutrient mix last time.
If you get this tonight, please let me know what you think. I will also call you tomorrow - but am definitely interested in reading what you may think during my middle of the night stroll to the "back porch"... grin.

Systems Development, Support and Administration

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen [mailto:bnbrew_at_yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 8:15 PM
To: mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com
Subject: RE: Nutrients

Hi Mike sorry about the delay. The 50 g Bob's Brew Pacs are available if you clearly want them. I got mixed messages and, really busy, didn't follow up to get a clear signal.
The pacs include compost, activation already mixed. Just wet them slightly and leave for a couple days. These have already activated to some extent so maybe you could use them right away. I would wet them for 2 days. Damp, not wet.
The nutrients are also in the pac. ( not separated ) One pac will give mid - SFI range ACT numbers. 2 pacs will give higher numbers. Use in same way as other brews. Aerate and extract for 6 hurs. Remove the extractor and set the aerator to the bottom of the tank. You may have to weight the aerator to hold it down. a steel rod insdie will work or a heavy bolt tied outside will work. Continue aeration for 18 to 24 hours. .
You can use 1 pac plus an equal volume of your own compost and alfalfa pellets or other nutrients. Some molasses would be good. Put some hay in a bucket, let it soak a day or more, add that water to the tea for protozoa.
The pacs are 12.50 ea. They come in 10 pacs for $ 110. I will send you 5 for $55. to try.
Let me know the results. Bob

Mike Bosko <mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com> wrote:
I just don't get it. Hay is up, and water had to go on last night. I'm really trying to do business with you.
Curious your meaning of 50g plus dilution might help. Might it not? "Dillution might help to get enough water per achre to soak the ACT life nto the soil."
And, your meaning of my being able to do more than mid range with my brewer, what does that mean? I can do a larger batch? If so, I'd need details, such as recipes, tank size/shape, etc. I gave you the details above. Either use 2 pacs or add equal volume of your own compost and nutrients to the 1 pac. a quart of alfalfa pellets would be the upper limit, add inside the extractor. Molasses - a cup to 2 cups. Tank does not have to change. If you have a larger tank you can vrew in one up to 250 g. do not increase the recipe or the larger tank. It is the recipe the microbes that need O2, not the water, So tank size is not critical. With the larger tank you would not need to dilute to apply.
Please help.
I looked up Norganics now too, as I've heard you speak of him quite a bit. Paul Sachs of Norganics callsed today. He has good stuff and clear directions. You would not go wrong to use his nutrient packages. You still need compost and protozoa.

Systems Development, Support and Administration

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen [mailto:bnbrew_at_yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:12 PM
To: mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com
Subject: RE: Nutrients

OK Mike I got your message that said you needed action NOW and to use ACT in smaller doses than 500 g. 50g plus dilution might help. I will send prices tomorrw and can ship the pacs this Saturday or Monday if you want them. Plan on adding some of your own compost, alfalfa meal and such. The pacs are made to brew near the middle of the SFI desired range. You can do more than mid range with your brewer. Bob

Mike Bosko <mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com> wrote: ??

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen [mailto:bnbrew_at_yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:10 AM
To: mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com
Subject: Re: Nutrients

Mike, Pacs are available. They are usually used with some of your local copost added to the pac. I will send the prices when I get to my office. The prices are there, I'm at my home office.
Another option would be to have us come with the BobO500, with 500 g ACT you can do all your fields at once time? Or we can set it up on a CACT cycle and generate unlimited ACT. The ACT has tested A OK from SFI .. Just a thought not an offer at this time. Bob

Mike Bosko <mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com> wrote:

My hay is down, and only for a short time. I'm really needing to line up
nutrient packs that work in your brewer. Can you help or should I be
looking elsewhere. Problem is, I want them to have been tested in your
brewer. Can you give me some references?

If not, please let me know so I can start investigating other sources.


Systems Development & Network Administration
509 968-9015 / Fax: 509 968-9016

Received on Wed Jun 23 2004 - 13:16:37 EDT

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