Re: [compost_tea] Building a Brewer

From: T Dodge <>
Date: 19 Jul 2004 09:07:17 -0700

Hi Jon

If that quote below is accurate, you have a personal problem with your
pump of choice/necessity. If this pump runs at 98 degrees Fahrenheit,
you will be selecting for only those organisms that do well in that
temperature range most of which I do not think will do well for the
vegetable crops you desire to grow (which are what). Fungi will have a
very narrow range at 98 also, so depending on soils you are starting
with, you may be limiting your soils/plants fungal needs perhaps
unnecessarily. People ask why you need to test your soil or AACT, how
well do you juggle variables?

  As you have not stated where or at what elevation you are at I would
also request what is your 24 hour ground temperature cycle currently
running at. Please understand that the organisms that you have selected
for by brewing at 98 degrees will die off when introduced if the soil
temperatures are substantially lower than your brewing temperature.
Also the amount of air required in a 30 gallon or 50 gallon drum at 98
will create quite a bit of chop or wave action so reducing the capacity
of the vessel for said brewing of AACT.

On 2004, Jul , at 10:11 AM, John Stoughton wrote:

> I just ordered a gallon of liquid kelp from Gardens Alive. The pump I
> intend on useing pumps alot of heated air about 98 degrees.

Terence Dodge
Soil Husbandman
Certified Soil Food Web Advisor

Received on Mon Jul 19 2004 - 14:50:16 EDT

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