Re: [compost_tea] cleaning brewers

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 11:54:57 -0800

Erin wrote: but are there other ways to alter the use of the contraption so=
 that it produces a better product?

Erin, the best thing you can do is take the nutrient that comes with the ma=
chine and use that instead of the tea the machine makes. It is full of bat=
 guano and all sorts of good microbe foods. You will never be able to get =
good fungi with a machine that slices and dices like the one you have. Ever=
y test Dr. Elaine has done, including several blind tests I sent in prove t=
his to be the case. As far as I can tell the only thing that makes as diff=
erence with the soil soup machine vs. just water is the nutrient mix. It is=
 a "fertilizer" and it doesn't improve when you try and make tea out of it.


Received on Tue Jul 27 2004 - 16:40:48 EDT

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