Re: [compost_tea] CT in the Muck

From: David Anderson <>
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 10:57:09 -0700
Hi Jeff,

The list sure as hell is working for a clueless newbie like me.

I am on a lot of listservs, and after hanging around a while, some
old-timers seem to get tired of the same old newbie questions that have
been answered dozens of times. The old-timers then tend to declare the
discussion useless, but it is in reality only "useless to them". I know
that I have been that grumpy old-timer often enough.

Thankfully, this list has some old-timers that are willing to help us
newbies out. And even more amazing, they are digging through the posts
by us newbies looking for any sort of new information where they might
gain some additional knowledge.

If anyone is tired of the list, they do everyone a favor by dropping out
for a while instead of becoming bitter.

It is also a good thing, on whatever list that you are on, to remember
that the list is owned by someone. That someone is the one that makes
the rules. If you don't like the rules, you can feel free to form your
own list, and make up your own rules.

If you want to be on this list, where there are some very knowledgable
people from the one camp, and they are given the freedom to speak their
mind about the "other camp" by the moderator, then that is the way that
this list is. There is no "free speech" on a listserv, just as there is
no free speech in someone else's living room.


Jeff Lowenfels wrote:
> No, I am not going to let folks get away with saying this list should
> go away and has been mired in the muck....  that is just simple B.S. 
> If you don't want to stick around, then leave, but don't suggest that
> there haven't been plenty of useful posts from plenty of people in
> addition to Doc Elaine.  That is also B.S.
> There is plenty of give and take and on this list and plenty to learn
> from it.
> If you are offended by my comments on soil soup's machine, refute them
> or get over it. If you think Plate tests are great, the defend them. 
> And if you don't want to stay on the list, then leave.  And, most
> important, if YOU want to moderate this list, just let me know.
> Cheers,
> Jeff

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Received on Sun Aug 01 2004 - 15:01:57 EDT

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