Re: [compost_tea] pasture exp

From: T Dodge <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 08:33:24 -0700

Tim Johnson
Program Specialist - Arkansas
  Tim Johnson holds a BS in Animal Science from The Ohio State
University and MS in Animal Science from North Carolina State
University. He worked at Michigan State University Extension as a
district livestock agent in West Michigan, where he worked with
livestock producers on production issues, on-farm research, farm
financial management and environmental issues relating to livestock
production. His topic areas at NCAT are farm management, financial
management, and general livestock.

Hello Mr. Johnson

Know anyone in the "beef-pharma" industry that will fund a competitive
or comparative studies?

You appear to have connections that good verify the CLA, Omega
questions? No raised hackles (nor knickers in a twist), just that this
list does attract skeptics of several flavors as it should, it is just
that they seem to have no money for those expensive tests they want the
results for, we have made observations of relationships as Dr. Ingham
as said.

On 2004, Aug 10, , at 6:27 AM, grazebeef wrote:

> Well it appears that we all got our hackles up over a few simple
> questions that your observational data should be able to supply. As
> ones attempting to provide more info on CT, it would be in your own
> best interest to be able to supply more info. Blind faith doesn't cut
> it. To be able to make some of the tremendous claims, either you
> pulled it out of your hat, or it doesn't exist. In my opinion it is
> fairly simple to describe, from observation, what occurred in those
> pastures to get a eight-fold increase in ADG. How was CLA determined.
> You either have lab test results or you are making it up. Fairly
> simple in my mind, but hey, why worry about facts, it is simplier to
> flame those that want to learn more before they blindly follow.

Terence Dodge
Soil Husbandman
Certified Soil Food Web Advisor

Received on Tue Aug 10 2004 - 12:53:38 EDT

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