Re: [compost_tea] Another Newbie

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 21:41:39 -0700 (PDT)

To all the newbies and some of the folks who have been dinkin around in their back yards so long they profess to know all and tell all like they was exspert.
Dr Elaine went to a lot of care to tell us the important & best ways to develop soil biology so it would do the marvelous things good soil biology does. Her students and many others were able to take the science expanded to where it has become a vital, increasing part, a significant part of agriculture, ecology and nutritian. Is it too complex? Not at all. Grade school kids pick it up with enthusiasm. Caloused from shoveling BS or destitute from buying chemicals, farmers are grasping this biology like what it is for them, a life saver.
So why do we assume that it is too tough for adult gardeners to understand and to pursue the few essentials that research reports to give the best results?
Water quality IS important. Compost quality IS important. Air to give O2 during the process IS important. O2 in sufficient concentration IS important to develop beneficial microbiology. Constant supply of O2 IS important to the final biology. Circulation to assure O2 thruout the liquid IS important. A reasonable supply of suitable food during incubation IS important. Avoiding too much food related to the O2 supply IS important. Time to allow biological multiplication IS important. Temperature range during incubation IS important.
All of the IS important items can be achieved in rather simple ways on a small scale. As the scale increases the complexity increases. And so does the importance.of each part of the process.
Enough home gardeners can substntially affect the local ecology, local air quality, local ground water, local health. The affect can be for good or harm. Major farms can change the ecology of EARTH. They have. This science has a chance of changing it back.
Please guys, just because in your little world you have shorted, ignored, omitted, bastardized the process till it may or may not be useful, don't profess to teach innocent newbies that this science is just a crock of BS. It is in fact the most important change that is happening on EARTH these days.* It will not stay important if the essentials are lost due to lazy thinking or failure to expend for or make essential equipment obtain or make essential ingredients . Anyone who can manage to communicate on the internet can handle the important details of soil microbiology as simple as it is needed to produce quality compost and aerated compost tea.
This wonderful change back to natures soil condition is not going to happen if we undervalue or omit the important science that makes this natural system perform.
And the Newbies? If they are half assed advised, do a half assed job get half assed results will they become half hearted gardeners? Bob

* Yeah especially compared to the election or whatever is going on in Iraq
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