Re: [compost_tea] Re: Flow forms

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 14:46:46 -0800

The research I have done on bacterial growth rates and fungal growth rates =
show two different patterns. Where bacteria will double about every 20 min=
utes, there is no such rapid growth rate for fungi. So if you have test res=
ults, I would be happy to see them. I would love to see fungi grow in a br=
ew cycle with a recipe that consistently works and the two keep pace. I al=
so have problems with rapid protozoa growth rates during a brew cycle. If =
you know of protozoa that multiply as fast as bacteria, that would certainl=
y be interesting.

I see lots of fungi in my tea but even under the most beneficial circumstan=
ces for fungi, I have not seen fungi out grow bacteria. If sugars are used=
 in the tea, bacteria grow. I know some fungi use sugars also. If you hav=
e a specific recipe that grows fungi in a cycle that also grows bacteria an=
d they grow at similar rates, I would certainly be interested. I have to i=
nhibit bacterial growth and brew longer to get a large fungal mass. I have=
 done that and it works quite well. So that's not the problem.

The problem is that bacteria multiply and fungi grow. Two different proces=
ses and regardless of the recipe used, you still must have the compost cont=
aining the fungi. We have people using magnets from Nikken but even as mag=
ical as these seem to be, they will not produce fungi where the is none. =

I know an easy way to grow fungi: Dump a handful of VAMs into your tea. Fu=
ngi will grow. Now, this is almost totally useless but the fungi will grow=

Ted Peterson

Received on Wed Dec 22 2004 - 21:55:11 EST

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