[compost_tea] BITI-BOBOLATOR

From: Dwaine Gipe <dolldoc4_at_suscom.net>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 12:04:06 -0500

In an effort to take an aggressive proven compost valued direction I came u=
p with the Biti-Bobolator as perhaps my best choice, of a tea brewer. In m=
y personal experience purchasing a proven system right up front has nearly =
always been my least expensive route, to success.

Three years ago being, of the human race, someone (I) followed the wrong Pi=
ed Piper. The net result, of that trip, was that someone (sounds better th=
an I does it not) nuked my patch. My humus level was low and my synthetic s=
alts were high. Even the violas and quack grass were pouting. Every self r=
especting earthworm went South. That is a scientific fact. They are, to s=
mart, to go any other direction from where I live. All kinds, of negative =
happenings began, to immediately appear. The bad guys were running amock. =
I discovered another truth. Give them bad guys an inch and they will take =
a foot.

My old Dutch Daddy once said, " son if you are digging a hole and get into=
 any kind of trouble just stop digging". I followed his advise, packaged=
 up all the wonderful stuff that does not work long term and gave it to, a =
learned individual, who is a soil scientist and knows how to nuke more slow=
ly without such notice that had been visible, in my patch. Now I was face=
d with a serious rebuilding program.

Enter at this point serious importation of fall applied manures, huge compo=
st pile building, application, of aerobic compost tea and serious reduction=
 or complete elimination, of the synthetic goodness. I can definitely do w=
ith less, much less poison. We also brought in some serious amounts of wor=
m casts and heaven forbid some mushroom waste that tested low salts. It did=
 hold instant humus that was not peat.

Someone passed the word and the worms, having never filled their holes behi=
nd them, came back. They sent our APB's reporting that the soil was pretty=
 good and getting better. One boisterous worm proclaimed the patch to conta=
in fish, kelp and molasses, to all his best looking maiden friends and they=
 immediately begin, to share reproduction activities with any willing to co=
pulate. They also held a meeting and determined that their casts were bett=
er than the imported casts.

A red headed woodpecker that keeps an eye, on things, reports that all is g=
etting better but there are a few more secrets, to discover and correct. T=
hat bird reported that the Biti-Bobolator's brew was the best he had ever f=

And that is why I shall begin biological soil testing early this spring. Re=
st assured that I will still largely listen, to the leaves, of the pumpkin =
plant and the constant tapping, of the Red Headed Woodpecker. If a worm sur=
faces and wants to talk I will stop right there and listen, for sure. They=
 get the first and last vote as to what is right for their environment.

Dwaine Give docgipe

Received on Thu Dec 30 2004 - 18:13:21 EST

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