Re: [compost_tea] BITI-BOBOLATOR

From: <>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 16:13:25 -0500
   Cute way to put things Dwaine.  Dom  xx of Kefir list fame has a 
site on which the critters take over the dialogue to tell people just
what they need to survive.  People remember the funny aspect of it
and remember the funny part but also remember the facts that Dom was
trying to get across.  A way of doing things that has suceeded many
   Dom has a foreign to me name I can't even say let alone spell.

On 30 Dec 2004 at 12:04, Dwaine Gipe wrote:

> In an effort to take an aggressive proven compost valued direction I
> came up with the Biti-Bobolator as perhaps my best choice, of a tea
> brewer.  In my personal experience purchasing a proven system right up
> front has nearly always been my least expensive route, to success.
> Three years ago being, of the human race, someone (I) followed the
> wrong Pied Piper. The net result, of that trip, was that someone
> (sounds better than I does it not) nuked my patch. My humus level was
> low and my synthetic salts were high. Even the violas and quack grass
> were pouting.  Every self respecting earthworm went South.  That is a
> scientific fact.  They are, to smart, to go any other direction from
> where I live.  All kinds, of negative happenings began, to immediately
> appear.  The bad guys were running amock. I discovered another truth.
> Give them bad guys an inch and they will take a foot.
> My old Dutch Daddy once said,  " son if you are digging a hole and get
> into any kind of trouble just  stop digging".   I followed his advise,
> packaged up all the wonderful stuff that does not work long term and
> gave it to, a learned individual, who is a soil scientist and knows
> how to nuke more slowly without  such notice that had been visible, in
> my patch.  Now I was faced with a serious rebuilding program.
> Enter at this point serious importation of fall applied manures, huge
> compost pile building, application, of aerobic compost tea and serious
> reduction or complete elimination, of the synthetic goodness.  I can
> definitely do with less, much less poison.  We also brought in some
> serious amounts of worm casts and heaven forbid some mushroom waste
> that tested low salts. It did hold instant humus that was not peat.
> Someone passed the word and the worms, having never filled their holes
> behind them, came back.  They sent our APB's reporting that the soil
> was pretty good and getting better. One boisterous worm proclaimed the
> patch to contain fish, kelp and molasses, to all his best looking
> maiden friends and they immediately begin, to share reproduction
> activities with any willing to copulate.  They also held a meeting and
> determined that their casts were better than the imported casts.
> A red headed woodpecker that keeps an eye, on things, reports that all
> is getting better but there are a few more secrets, to discover and
> correct.  That bird reported that the Biti-Bobolator's brew was the
> best he had ever found.
> And that is why I shall begin biological soil testing early this
> spring. Rest assured that I will still largely listen, to the leaves,
> of the pumpkin plant and the constant tapping, of the Red Headed
> Woodpecker. If a worm surfaces and wants to talk I will stop right
> there and listen, for sure.  They get the first and last vote as to
> what is right for their environment.
> Dwaine Give  docgipe

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Received on Thu Dec 30 2004 - 18:13:21 EST

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