Re: [compost_tea] Re: Mystery Organic Spray

From: Scott Alexander <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 08:17:22 +1000

  Bob Wrote - Scott - have you thought what the soilfoodweb is? Microbes, =
fungi, protozoa, spiders, ants, worms, . . . . . . . If well made compost t=
ea did this we could not use it. Bob

  Hi Bob - I think I know a litttle about soilfoodweb having been in organi=
c gardening for 60 years and CT making for 4 years :-)
  BTW - just in case you misunderstood my email
> A person in a daylily group I belong to wrote:-
> "I am currently testing a new product for daylilies. It kills aphids, s=
pider mites, ants, Beatles and it also seems to help slow rust and maybe ev=
en kills it.

  The Compost tea I make has killed off aphids. I'm not sure about spider m=
ites though. They can be a big problem with daylilies BUT I haven't seen en=
ough damage during the past 3 to 4 years to worry about. I don't know how t=
he CT would help control them because the CT is applied to the farm via ove=
rhead sprinklers and spider mites love the dry environment under daylily le=

  I think I read somewhere that CT also knocks out fire-ant colonies. Is th=
is true?

  Regarding daylily rust, I've already menttioned that concentrated CT supp=
resses it.

  I'm still trying to find out exactly what this product is. He mentioned a=
 company called First Enviro. Anyone familiar with a company of that name?

  Scott Alexander

Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 13:19:01 EST

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