Re: [compost_tea] Re: Brewing time for soil applications only

From: David Anderson <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 15:13:31 -0800
Yes. It will increase the critters that are there, though probably not
as much or as quickly as with brewed tea.

The critters in the soil are not likely to travel far from the chunks
of compost that they currently call home.

Liquid tea will quickly deliver very diverse biology to the various
clumps of food that are already present in your soil. Most will die
off, with the exception of those that can feed on that clump.

Brewing that tea will increase the numbers and it will have given the
biology time to process many of those nutrients to speed up the
availability for the plants. It will not increase the overall
diversity, if anything it will decrease it. But it will put a lot more
critters in each drop, increasing the odds of the right critter
finding a clump of the right food.

Everything from making hot compost, keeping a worm bin, to making ACT
is just a way to speed up the natural processes. They will happen
anyway, just take a lot longer (as long as nothing happens to make it
go backwards).


On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 10:41:24 -0800 (PST), butch ragland
<> wrote:
> The area has good or adequate biology and it is
> normally aerobic.
> We feed this area exactly like a tea except no
> brewing.
> Will the food increase the biology.
> The question is not, is this the fastest way to
> increase biology. The question is will it increase or
> have little or no effect.

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Received on Wed Feb 02 2005 - 18:57:20 EST

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