[compost_tea] Re: CT and soiless media

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 23:40:50 -0000

---Elaine, Which lab tested Mark Highland  and Chandrappa Gangaiah's
ACT? How often,etc.? What standard methods were used? Dennis Kemnitz

\In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, soilfoodweb@a... wrote:

> A graduate student that I work with, Mark Highland, is just
finishing up  his
> master's thesis, and it is clear from his work that standard
potting mix is 
> only barely equal to a properly made, GOOD, AEROBIC compost. 

> What defines the good aerobic compost?  the presence of the
aerobic  BIOLOGY.

> I will be at his thesis defense early next week, and look forward
to his 
> publications soon to come. 

> Another graduate student at Kansas State University, Chandrappa
Gangaiah, a 
> student with Ed Carey in Horticulture, has CLEARLY shown that
AERATED compost 
> tea is every bit as effective as major fungicides at preventing

> So much for people who want to claim we haven't been doing
> scientific studies.  Science takes time, and can't be forced to
move  forward faster
> just because someone wants to gripe.   

> Good work takes time. 


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Received on Fri Mar 11 2005 - 00:30:35 EST

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