
Re: Human vs. natural influences on the environment

charliew wrote:

> It's time to
> wake up and learn something from your observations - stop
> letting the press (TV, news, scientific, etc.) do your
> thinking for you.  Get outside and look around at the earth,
> sky, water, etc.

Why, yes !  I see the light now ... I was walking outside this
morning and the sky was blue and the air tasted clean.
Obviously all our environmental laws are unnecessary and we
should throw them all out.  There is just no need for them.

> Read some math and science books,
> formulate a hypothesis or two, and find a way to confirm
> some of your own facts.  Do everyone a favor, and find a way
> to get rid of your "Chicken Little" attitudes.

I've been reading just about everything I can get my hands on 
for about twenty-some years now, and my basic conclusion is 
that we really don't know that much -- which is precisely why 
we should be protecting our earth from human activity and 
pollutants until there is irrefutable proof that such 
activities are harmless beyond all reasonable doubt ... these 
same publications and news sources that you so casually dismiss 
indicate that there IS, at the very _least_, very reasonable 

Unfortunately, people with your osterich mentality claim that 
"gee, I been smoking leaded car fumes for fifty-some years, and 
I just just don't see the problem, ergo there is no problem.  
All them Scientifical publications are run by granola huggers 
and tree eaters anyway, and you know all of them have been 
smoking pot and dropping LSD and don't know what's going on ... 
[blah blah etc.]..."  <heard all that from the great gods Rush 
& Newt ad neauseum already>

Maybe you should get out some and do your own research instead 
of parroting the Corporate Sock Puppets of America, uh, the 
'Publican Hypocrratic Party, uh, 

      Oh, shit, gotta run, the sky is falling !! the sky is falling !!

BAD TRIP BAD TRIP  man-o-man-o-man pass me some prozac, quick .....

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