
Re: Human vs. natural influences on the environment

MAIN <nobody@e.ncs.com> wrote:
>charliew wrote:
>> It's time to
>> wake up and learn something from your observations - stop
>> letting the press (TV, news, scientific, etc.) do your
>> thinking for you.  Get outside and look around at the earth,
>> sky, water, etc.
>Why, yes !  I see the light now ... I was walking outside this
>morning and the sky was blue and the air tasted clean.
>Obviously all our environmental laws are unnecessary and we
>should throw them all out.  There is just no need for them.

Yeah, it's gratifying to know that the scientific method can be
applied so simply, isn't it?

>> Read some math and science books,
>> formulate a hypothesis or two, and find a way to confirm
>> some of your own facts.  Do everyone a favor, and find a way
>> to get rid of your "Chicken Little" attitudes.

Wait a minute, this is getting complex again.  Can't books think
for you just as readily as TV, news, and scientific press?  Seems
to me I have seen some pretty crackpot tomes cited around here.

>I've been reading just about everything I can get my hands on 
>for about twenty-some years now, and my basic conclusion is 
>that we really don't know that much -- which is precisely why 
>we should be protecting our earth from human activity and 
>pollutants until there is irrefutable proof that such 
>activities are harmless beyond all reasonable doubt ... these 
>same publications and news sources that you so casually dismiss 
>indicate that there IS, at the very _least_, very reasonable 

Yes.  When you really look at the amazing exactness with which
many animals have adapted to very specific evolutionary niches,
it's hard to escape the conviction that we have only a dim idea
of what we are fooling around with when we casually, for example,
release pesticides into the biosphere.

I think we are gradually getting a handle on global climate 
science's grosser aspects, though.  Unfortunately for the
professional skeptics, the evidence continues to suggest that
the problem is real.

Tom Gray
Director of Communications
American Wind Energy Association

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