
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

Hello Joe and Everyone

On Sun, 28 Jul 1996 15:02:47 -0500, jtoth@fairfield.com (Joe Toth)

>Dr John Hagelin's Natural Law Party is calling for a total moratorium on
>the release of genetically modified
>organisms. At the *very least* any food products containing such materials
>should be clearly labelled so that we can choose what we eat. 
>Strange new artificial foods never envisaged by nature are already
>appearing in your supermarkets. 

How about naming some?

>The effects of these foods are as yet not
>fully understood but some have already been devastating for health. In one
>case in the U.S. 37 people died and 1500 were left disabled. 

Please give precise chapter and verse with scientific references --
if you can. Sounds like unbalanced  rabble-rousing scaremongering.

>products had to be abandoned when they went disastrously wrong. 

Names please, with detailed chapter and verse, and scientific

>But you
>will not know what you are eating because the government has decided that
>labeling of genetically modified foods is not necessary. Your precious
>right to choose what you and your family eats has been lost.
By the way, are you not aware that newsgroups are international, and
references to "the government" are therefore meaningless unless you
specify which government?

What you say is certain false as regards Europe. 

Anyway, you seem to be oblivious to the fact that _all_ foods produced
by traditional breeding methods are "genetically modified", but by
more hit-and-miss methods.

To read a balanced and responsible scientific account of genetic
modification, and the real concerns that have to be (and are being)
addressed in order that the world may benefit from the tremendous
advantages that genetic modification has to offer in the field of
food, medicine and public health, visit the Institute of Food Science
& Technology's Web site at <http//www.easynet.co.uk/ifst/> where you
will find links to this and other "hot topics" Position Statements by



J Ralph Blanchfield
Food Science, Food Technology & Food Law Consultant
Chair, IFST Member Relations & Services Committee
Web Editor, Institute of Food Science & Technology
IFST Web address: http://www.easynet.co.uk/ifst/ 

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