
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

In article <3200ee1a.45168727@news.easynet.co.uk>, jralphb@easynet.co.uk
(J Ralph Blanchfield) wrote:

> Hello Joe and Everyone
> On Sun, 28 Jul 1996 15:02:47 -0500, jtoth@fairfield.com (Joe Toth)
> wrote:
> >Dr John Hagelin's Natural Law Party is calling for a total moratorium on
> >the release of genetically modified
> >organisms.

There is an old story about the true believer.  He was trapped in his
house as the flood water rose.  Some neighbors came by in a boat and
offered to take him to safety.  He responded that the worst was over and
the Lord would look out for him.  A few hours later the rising water
forced him to the upper floor of his house and an official rescue boat
appeared.  They warned him that the flood could worsen even more.  The
occupant simply indicated that he was OK and he had faith that the Lord
would protect him.  Later, with water lapping at his feet he sat on the
roof and clutched the chimney.  At last a rescue helicopter appeared.  He
waved them off with the comment that this was indeed a trial but his faith
was firm.  

The water continued to rise.   The homeowner was swept from his perch and
drowned in the flood.  A short time later he unhappily stood before his
Maker.  He said  "Why did you let me drown when I had such faith that you
would save me."    In response the Lord replied, "I sent two boats and a
helicopter to save you but you rejected all effforts." 

Clearly, There are actions that men can do the create a threat for
mankind.  But the biggest threat is an unwillingness to use intelligence.

"My words mean exactly what I choose them to mean."  Humpty Dumpty

Follow-Ups: References: