
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

In Article <jtoth-2807961502470001@wash15.fairfield.com>,
jtoth@fairfield.com (Joe Toth) wrote:
>Dr John Hagelin's Natural Law Party is calling for a total moratorium on
>the release of genetically modified
>organisms. At the *very least* any food products containing such materials
>should be clearly labelled so that we can choose what we eat.
>Strange new artificial foods never envisaged by nature are already
>appearing in your supermarkets. The effects of these foods are as yet not
>fully understood but some have already been devastating for health. In one
>case in the U.S. 37 people died and 1500 were left disabled.

Are you sure about that? What is your intent when making such a statement?
I think it would be appropriate for you to be more specific when making such
claims. Aren't you referring to tryptophan here? Since when is tryptophan a
food product?

> Other products had to be abandoned when they went disastrously wrong.

Can you name just one? "Other" is too vague.

>will not know what you are eating because the government has decided that
>labeling of genetically modified foods is not necessary. Your precious
>right to choose what you and your family eats has been lost.

NOT! You may still buy organic, or grow your own food.

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