
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

>>Strange new artificial foods never envisaged by nature are already
>>appearing in your supermarkets. The effects of these foods are as yet
>>fully understood but some have already been devastating for health.
In one
>>case in the U.S. 37 people died and 1500 were left disabled.

>Are you sure about that? What is your intent when making such a
>I think it would be appropriate for you to be more specific when
making such
>claims. Aren't you referring to tryptophan here? Since when is
tryptophan a
>food product?
>> Other products had to be abandoned when they went disastrously
>Can you name just one? "Other" is too vague.
Yes, the "Gargulio" (a brand) tomato that has been genetically produced
by a farm in Florida that was acquired by (surprise, surprise)
Monsanto!! This tomato is already in supermarkets in NY State and one
other state. This was in a recent issue of Food and Water. Call their
800 number to find out more.

>>will not know what you are eating because the government has decided
>>labeling of genetically modified foods is not necessary. Your
>>right to choose what you and your family eats has been lost.
>NOT! You may still buy organic, or grow your own food.

Who can buy organic??? Certainly not the inner city community gardeners
with whom I work in Newark, NJ. Presently, organic produce prices are
way too high for MANY people in this country. MOreover, the concept of
eating organically is about as familiar to inner city people as quantum
physics. I see people eating Cheetos at 8 a.m.! Breakfast of champions.
Point being, be very careful when using words like "choice" and
"freedom," because they do not apply to everyone's reality.


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