
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

Thanks for your thoughtful remarks.  I basically agree with the direction
of your comments with regard to a proper government response.  

>I think you are may be less of a
> non conformist than you think.....the sad thing is that the vast
> majority of consumers have no idea of what is being done to their food
> and will only start to excercise pressure when something goes badly
> wrong like the BSE crisis; only then will the politicians do something
> (because they want to stay in power) and the multinational corps will
> change (because they see their almighty dollar disappearing when the
> people refuse to buy their product).  

Meanwhile we have a naive, perhaps even well meaning, arm of science
operating with little constraint or direction, capable of producing
unpredictable side effects, and irreversible mistakes that could make the
mistakes of chemical or nuclear polution look tame by comparison.  Germ
line genetic manipulations (and the inevitable mistakes) will be passed on
from generation to generation and will not dissipate with time.

in the meantime those who are
> concerned have to spread the word; i feel there is a strong undercurrent
> of concern, allied to a sense of powerlessness - i think this is shown
> in the increasing interest in green issues, local communities, LETS
> groups etc; change will come from the bottom.  keep up the good work
> regards   
> cmb     
